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TAMIYA BF-109 G6 1/48

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Hello all…


Started building tonight and waiting for the paints to arrive. The Tamiya kits are such a joy to build. The parts fits so well like a fine Swiss watch. The tolerance is so tight that seams tend to disappear and that is not good if they fall on the panel lines. The 109 has a top and bottom seams that likely will be eliminated if you apply thin cement over the joints. I will apply from below.  Dai 



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Hello all,


While waiting for paints, went ahead and assembled the main components. A few points to note, the attachments of the pedals are tiny and thus you should use thick cement for strength. Also when glueing the wing tips, install the airelons so you can check the correct position of the tips. The trailing edges of the wing tips should follow the contour smoothly. The assembly went very fast due to the excellent engineering and fit of parts. This is what modeling is all about. Really I cannot see anything better than this… Dai 



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One more thing. Some comment on the Net about the magnets allowing either open or closed cowls at anytime as “gimmicks”. I beg to differ. Gimmick is about something what seems to be but it is not. This novel feature from Tamiya is a working feature and it delivers what it says. Gimmicks ???? I do not think so. Although in the closed cowling configuration, some shimmings are needed to make the joints tight. Dai 

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Hi all,


Working some more while waiting for paints. A rarity here... I had to trim on the landing gears mounting tabs so they sit flush onto the wheel well. With Tamiya's drop fit without questions asked I had to wonder if I mucked up? A warning here, the gun pods halves have a VERY FINE raised line along on the seam line. Watch out or you will sand it off like I did. Luckily I have 3 back up kits  to correct my mistake. Dai 



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Hello friends,


Started painting today. I remove the kit hose (yellow) and fabricate from sprue to make them longer and so I can paint it seperately. The rear fuselage deck is slightly smaller then the fuse causing a slight step at the seam lines. Accurate or blunder ? The tolerance is so good that what you see here is press fit. The coat is gloss so I can remove unwanted wash easier. Later the parts will be dull coated. Dai 




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Howdy all,


I may have spoken to early about no seams to clean up. Here is an odd one. Tamiya is known for placing the joint lines at the panel lines so there is no need to fill and file the unwanted seams. On the bottom, rather than placing at the panel line, Tamiya decides to place the joint line away from the actual panel line! That will require some work that could be easily avoided. In addtion, the other joint line happens to be right on the oval inspection panel that will need to be rescribed. Totally unwarranted here. I check the refrences and there is no V shape panel line as seen on the red arrow. I find it odd that a company well known for masterful engineering can make blunder like this. I do not get it . Do you? Dai 





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OK friends,


On the Eduard's Look set, the instruction on the seat belt placement is wrong. The illustration shows how they are attached to the seat assembly before it is placed in the fuse. This is not correct. The right way is to apply the belts after the seat is joined to the fuselage as the attachment points are not on the seat itself but on the rear panel. I place the belts to show the correct position. This will be done after everything is painted. Dai 





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On 1/16/2023 at 6:50 AM, dai phan said:


I find it odd that a company well known for masterful engineering can make blunder like this. I do not get it . Do you? Dai 


Tamiya are not the be all and end all that many seem to make out. Yes, they assemble very well, but like all model companies, they do make mistakes & inaccuracies.




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Hello all,


In doing research of possible schemes I realized late model 109s do not have standard camo like the earlier series. Each plane is so different from the others in patterns, colors. Since Tamiya's decals are so thick and un-usable for me, I have to look for others. I have bought some Eagle Cals decals as they look to be well researched. Dai 


s-l500 (1).jpg



s-l500 (2).jpg





s-l1600 (1).jpg


s-l1600 (2).jpg



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Hi all,


Start painting today. The RLM 76 is Mr Color and RLM 75 is MRP. I really do not like the MRP as if the surface is not uniform in the sheeness, it will take coats and coats and coats to get homogeneous coverage. This is due to the thinness of the paint. I would prefer a thicker formula. I have question for the experts here. Is the demarcation between the RLM 74/75 soft or hard edge? I see modelers on YT use masking tape but photos appear to be feathered edges. I welcome your comments. Dai 



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Generally, a semi-soft edge is what you will find for the main pattern on the wings, the fuselage patterns can vary more - especially the mottling.


Which scheme will you be doing? That will give you a better indication of how the pattern will go.

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3 hours ago, Cool Hand said:

Generally, a semi-soft edge is what you will find for the main pattern on the wings, the fuselage patterns can vary more - especially the mottling.


Which scheme will you be doing? That will give you a better indication of how the pattern will go.

Some decals will be coming and then I will finalize the scheme. MRP sprays well but required too many coats (at least 6) to get adequate coverage. One light swipe with a sandpaper sponge and you back to square 1. Am I not doing something right? Dai 

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