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barkin mad

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About barkin mad

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    Step away from the computer!

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    E. Scotland

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  1. I was responding to the post re Matra pods for RAF Phantoms, not the larger LRF-1 type seen on some French a/c. -----------
  2. If you mean the link in the 2nd post, then no they aren't. Don't think I've ever seen any UK a/c using the type with the cut out in the rear of the pod. I think these are the type you need............(not necessarily in that scale it was just for ex. They do do 72nd & 48th as well) https://reskit-models.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=5264&search=phantom&page=4
  3. You have made a fine job of the Mk IX. I think your friend will be chuffed with it. A couple of pointers for you next one, if I may, walkway lines are under the roundels & the crowbar on the pilots door was black or silver in wartime, red is a post war modern thing. --------------
  4. You have made a somewhat rather fine job of that. 👍 A small observation, if I may. The 2 rectangles on the underside/rear of the jet pipes are mountings for chaff/flare packages & were only added long after the Buccaneer left RN service hence the mounting plates would not be there. That said, it takes nothing away from the build.
  5. Hannants say they are to reprint this sheet at some point............ https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/X72303?result-token=TKHER ------------
  6. There's an all new tool Westland Scout due imminently from LF models, may also be another 2 new tools due from other companies too. https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/westland-scout-ah1-royal-army-expexted-end-of-march-lf-models-pe-7270-201523.html
  7. Trumpeter also do 2 versions of the Chinook, they offer spare parts through............ https://www.hobbydna.com/products/parts01622 which are in the US I think, but it looks as though you may have to buy the entire sprue, rather than individual parts. Possibly another non-starter? --------------
  8. The MH-47 Chinook looks to be still available on the Italeri website, it's more or less the same kit. I have had paid for spare parts from Italeri quite successfully. Alternatively, Airfix are to release their all new tool Chinook later this year. The part from this kit, may well work, with some mods. -----------------
  9. Just a bit slightly envious you getting to sit in them, though I could do something about that and actually fly in the two seater versions of both they have over here (that's if I had plenty of readies, but I don't sadly.) Very much so, we would have probably lost it had we only had the one type. The Hurricane more than held its own. I think I read that it shot down more enemy a/c than Spitfires, AA guns and all the rest put together, though granted its main job was to go after bombers, but it certainly brought down its fair share of fighters. I think it's you
  10. Sadly, I can't take the credit for this. Just a useful ref pic I use. ---------------
  11. Good start, the Quinta stuff is good, is it not. If I may (& it's not too late) Tamiya would have you paint the grey/green interior paint section slightly too big, it should only be up to the instrument panel & up to the bulkhead behind the seat. Outwith these areas it's painted aluminium.
  12. I got it from another site. I think it's from a book, no idea which one, sorry. I did find this site, which has plenty of pics on it.............they have a farcebook site as well. https://b17alliance.com/restoration/
  13. Here's one I found, unrestored & some parts painted with what looks like interior green. They may of course not all have been finished like this. -----------------
  14. First pic is wearing a tropical shirt, can't see lower, it could be shorts or trousers. See RAF P-47's being armed/serviced link for typical colours, it's a tan/type sand colour..... https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1060025281 Second pic looks as if it could be a great coat, but not sure if they flew in those. It does look quite a thick coat, it's too woollen looking to be Irvin or leather flying jacket, or RAF battle dress uniform. Colour probably RAF blue (Humbrol 96) --------------
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