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Everything posted by ziggyfoos

  1. I've been out of the loop for awhile on 1/48 F-16s, but now I'm looking for the aerodynamic TER-9 but don't know where to find any. I saw Attack Squadron offered them but don't see any other aftermarket ones available since those are OOP. Any other options? thanks
  2. The Mutza book and what I posted earlier are about the best there is on the subject for books. I've tried to gather as much AC-130 books as possible to help with gunships part 2 decal sheet, majority of other books I've collected on C-130's in general in hopes of getting new AC-130 have been pretty much a waste of time/money. Considering how long the C-130 has been in service and number of variants, general C-130 books only have a relative brief section about the gunship variants, all of which is basic and redundant of what is already included in the full gunship specific Mutza/Davis books. I'
  3. Excellent news, count me in on a purchase. Also I'd second the earlier comment about including Kodiak decal option, and/or Sitka station. At least with the USCG schemes being all pretty similar it can be relatively easy to provide wide range of alternative station options with swapping out the insignias, numbers, and station titles. Sitka insignia:
  4. What type of reference are you looking for? Story, development/service, photos, old or new gunships? Your title mentions specifically books on the AC-130H, I'm not aware of any books that are specific to the H gunship. Most books having AC-130 info is a broader coverage - either book covers the C-130 in general, or like the Mutza book you mentioned, covers all gunship a/c types. Similar to the Mutza book, there is an older Larry Davis Gunships book from Squadron Signal (cover and title looks like it's AC-47 only but book covers all the gunships), he also authored simila
  5. Three USMC F-4Bs squadrons in Vietnam covered so far: http://www.aoadecals.com/48014/ Maybe more coming.... Tamiya apparently decided to go with the later upgraded F-4B version to model that had the later ECM fit, Mk.7 seats, later trunnion covers, later stabilators, etc. Bert Kinzey posted on FB that he was involved with Tamiya for a year on the kit and "the decal selection will be more limited than those for F-4Bs in general, because Tamiya has opted to do a specific ECM fit on the model. So decals will need to be for F-4Bs that had that fit, otherwise, the mo
  6. The specially painted 15k ton total USS Coral Sea bomb
  7. Here's the photo referenced: Not the only one of course with the painted eggs but that's probably the most posted pic for 242. VMA(AW)-225 also had special Easter painted Mk.83 examples in at least 1971.
  8. The A-6A could carry the Shrike, the AGM-78 Standard ARM was carried by the specialized A-6B (offhand it was only around 20 or so 19 A-6As that were converted to B's).
  9. Most common were the Mk.80 series (Mk.81, 82, 83, 84), either slicks or snakeyes. But Vietnam A-6s pretty much carried also everything possible (more so the Marines). Not limited to this list, but among those used: M65, M66, M117, Mk.36, 2.75" rocket pods, LAU-10 Zuni rocket pods, Mk.77, Mk.79, CBU-24, CBU-29, Mk.20 Rockeye, AGM-12 Bullpup, AGM-45 Shrike, AGM-78 Stanadard ARM, AIM-9 Sidewinder, and as mentioned already the Mk.52. If you're looking for authenic/accurate loads, you'll have to pick a particular time during the war or squadron in some cases. For example, earlier period
  10. So not from Cool Hand Luke? (kidding) Thanks for the order, it's in the mail
  11. That footage is from 65/66 and with those two F-4 squadrons along with the USAF aircraft and helos in the background I would've thought Da Nang, although there is some early Chu Lai footage in there too.
  12. I've been playing catchup on all the newer navalized KH H-60 releases. A USCG H-60 was really the one I was most looking for. But reading earlier posts in this thread, I read it as no MH-60T kit is coming. That is unfortunate, hope someone (Floyd) releases a conversion set at least so we don't have to kitbash and scratch build.
  13. It's been years and out of stock for some time, but this sheet covering a certain 1991 movie's Intruder aircraft is available again by direct order only - less than 10 sheets available. While re-organizing stock I found I still had some spare sheets in reserve of what I thought was completely sold out. There is however no printed instruction sheet included for these last ones but a new image has been added to the website for the placement guide.
  14. The 1/48 O-2 Skymaster sheet is now in stock and available to order at www.aoadecals.com
  15. All the OV-10 sheets were going to be released in 1/48 in conjunction with the new HazMat kit. Unfortunately that kit disappeared at the last minute. I had hopes someone else had picked up the project, and still have hopes...
  16. We talking small scale I imagine? AMS has them in 1/32: https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/64079-ams-resin-ov-10g/
  17. The previously released 1/32 AOA decals release covering the Skymaster in the Vietnam War will now be available in 1/48 for the new ICM kit. One of the plainer options from the 1/32 sheet was replaced with a more interesting option of an earlier scheme of an aircraft that was already on the sheet (414). Sheet also includes three O-2B options in the SEA camo, although to date no kit/conversion is available (that I'm aware of). One of the three has the spinners installed, which thankfully are at least in the kit but aren't used/identified. now available (Sept) $15 w/free US ship
  18. The HMM-264 numbers on their CH-46s are different style than the 162 ones.
  19. Thanks for purchasing. I try to get orders out no later than next day.
  20. Possibly but I don't have any idea when that would be if it were to happen. Also depends on the sales of this one whether it gets done sooner rather than later.
  21. Yes the larger 4 numbers are the last four of the BuNo, it would match the smaller F-4B/BuNo identifier marking on the tail (in this case, they don't match as you've noticed). I'm not familar with VF-111 and MiG killers, I'm not sure which BuNo is the correct one? Also be aware that all of the lettering/numbering (BuNos, modex, carriers, squadron designations) on that sheet is also drawn in 45deg USAF/Army style which is not correct.
  22. Now in stock and available to purchase at www.AOAdecals.com
  23. These three sheets are now in stock and available to purchase at www.AOAdecals.com
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