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Everything posted by dsmith

  1. For the purpose of the resin intakes, yes. They may look similar, but the two kits (F-4J/S and F-4E) are different, and you can not interchange the intakes. You would need to buy the set that corresponds to the kit you are building. Cheers, -Doug :)
  2. Well, AFAIK here are some things that are available for it. Eduard PE sets Neomega Cockpit Pavla seat Equipage Wheels Aerobonus Ordnance Kazan upgrade set If anybody comes across some good decals, let me know. I need some for my Mig-23 and Mig-27. Cheers, -Doug :)
  3. Yea, that is the same thing I was thinking Terry. It makes no sense to do what they did. It is a P-61A, and the variants not being that different, all the parts should be in the same box. Take a lesson from Monogram, and do as they do - all or most of the options in the same box! I'm glad Tamiya finally did that with their F-16C. Cheers, -Doug :)
  4. My pleasure Dave! Hope you can put them to good use. Cheers, -Doug :)
  5. Well, that is good news. It looks like everyone who already bought the kit will get clear parts according to Cyber Modeler. However, I am really regretting pre-ordering my kits now. That is the first time I have ever done that, and it will probably be my last. Usually I wait for the reviews, etc. I guess that is what I get for really wanting a P-61 and not being patient I think the thing that really ****** me off (and I am to blame for it), is that I would have much preferred the next release with the upper turret, as the four I want to build all have one. If I had paid attention
  6. Well, I plan on building a couple of A's, but one of them has the transparent nose, so yes - not happy.... If I could just get one clear nose I think I would be good. Terry, let me know when you get your kit. Cheers, -Doug :)
  7. I just got my new P-61 kit today, and it is beautiful. However, I am kinda ticked off, as my copies have a solid gray nose instead of a clear nose like has been shown in the online previews. Anybody else have this problem? :mad: Cheers, -Doug :)
  8. Yea, get the Vagabond sheet. It's awesome!! Cheers, -Doug :)
  9. Martinsson, Did you ever get this beauty finished? Cheers, -Doug :)
  10. Thanks Craig :) Did you ever get one of yours done? Cheers, -Doug :)
  11. You are correct about that. I guess what I should have said is that all Hasegawa F-4J kits include both types. The short ones for the -J/S (Sprue S) and the longer ones for the -B/N (Sprue G). So no need to scratch build Cheers, -Doug :)
  12. Very nice job! I would like to build that kit too, but I do not know where to find line drawings. Where did the ones that you used come from? Cheers, -Doug :)
  13. Ha, ha! No problem Brian. I already ordered my VF-84 sheet from you guys and I can't wait to get it! I am curious what else you guys have up your sleeves. Cheers, -Doug :)
  14. Thanks guys, it was hard set to produce, but worth it in the end. Thanks Mike! It was good to see you again. Maybe one of these times I will go out and do something with you guys after hours :) I am thinking about a small insert for the cockpit, but honestly it is pretty hard to compete with Aires on that. I am using their set in my build. As for the ALQ-126, it is included in all of the -J kit releases in plastic. I will have to look up what sprue it is on though, as I can't remember off hand. The set provides everything you need for the conversion except a cockpit and exhausts.
  15. Thanks guys. For those of you who have bought one, I am glad to hear you are happy with it, as it has been the most involved set for me to do. I know Academy announced theirs, but what can you expect after you put in all that hard work :P Somebody had to take one for the team I guess.... I actually started the patterns for the set back in October of 2008, but wasn't able to get all of the parts finished until August last year. Researching F-4's is hard! Unfortunately casting the parts isn't vey easy, and a lot of them are prone to air bubbles due to being so thin, and I have a la
  16. It should work just fine. Though keep in mind that the TD set is for an -A. Depending on what -B you are building you may need to change the PITDS screen on the RIO's IP. I have an extra TD set that I won't be using, and was going to sell. Just send me a PM if you are interested. Cheers, -Doug :)
  17. Hi everyone, A lot of people have been asking about this set, and I am happy to say that they are available to order through the site now, as well as many new wheel sets and F-4 flaps. My first production run sold out in about two weeks, but I am in the process of making some new molds, so they are kinda on a cast as ordered basis right now until I get caught up. If you are interested to see how the set comes together, please follow the links on the item page to a WIP. Thank you again for all of your support, and have a great day! F-4B/N COnversion Cheers, -Doug :)
  18. Hi everyone, A lot of people have been asking about this set, and I am happy to say that they are available to order through the site now, as well as many new wheel sets and F-4 flaps. My first production run sold out in about two weeks, but I am in the process of making some new molds, so they are kinda on a cast as ordered basis right now until I get caught up. If you are interested to see how the set comes together, please follow the links on the item page to a WIP. Thank you again for all of your support, and have a great day! F-4B/N COnversion Cheers, -Doug :)
  19. Just be careful. I have the FM set, and the casting is some of the worst I have ever seen. The metal parts are nice though. Cheers, -Doug :)
  20. It is easy to get an 1/48 RF-4C out of the Hasegawa RF-4B kit. Just follow Aaron's post. Though you will also need a set of unslotted stabs. So basically, the only AM items you will need are 1. Decals 2. USAF Style wheels 3. Unslotted stabs If you need those parts (shameless plug here), I offer the wheels and stabs through my website. Unslotted Stabs wheels Cheers, -Doug :)
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