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About dinozavr

  • Rank
    Canopy Polisher
  • Birthday 08/04/1959

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  1. The site owner www.xmold-modeling.com (XMM modeling) does not currently have access to administer the site or take orders. There is a possibility that the site has been hacked. Please do not attempt to place any orders on it to avoid the risk of being scammed.
  2. New release of XMM: 1/48 British Phantom II FG.Mk.1 / FGR.Mk.2 seamless air intakes (for Revell/Hasegawa kit) Also new information about payment options of orders can be seen on the website XMM
  3. If it would be possible to go back for a month or two... XMM air intakes and nozzles , made specifically for the Monogram AV-8A
  4. I have seen these photos. I don’t know what kind of rocket it is and where it came from, if it was a special shelling or an accidental hit in a residential building. And I also saw the results of the deliberate destruction of Eastern Ukraine by the Ukrainian rulers and the Ukrainian army for 8 years since 2014 More photoes on https://www.google.com/search?q=разрушения+в+донбассе&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiv5OjbhZ32AhUpRkEAHZ6-AeEQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=разрушения+в+донбассе&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDDoHCCMQ7wMQJ1C5DFi5DGDf5RtoAHAAeACAAZACiAHkApIBBTEuMC4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclie
  5. It is sad to look at a person who immediately closes his eyes, plugs his ears and screams hysterically when he begins to hear and see the second part of the truth, hidden from him before.
  6. I sympathize with you... and pity you. Bringing newspaper headlines as an argument is somehow frivolous. If we trace the entire chain of events in Ukraine since 2014, then over the past eight years, Ukraine has become very far from innocent. And if you are talking about Hitler's provocation before the attack on Poland, then you first need to study at least a little all the history of European diplomacy from 1933 to 1939, and not refer exclusively to the non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany.
  7. When there are no arguments, insults begin
  8. There is one phrase that is attributed to the Nazi criminal Goebbels, coined in the second half of World War 2: "Tell the truth, only the truth, but not the whole truth." The media tells you only part of the truth and carefully hides the other part, which completely changes the meaning of the first. I am absolutely sure that you do not know the whole truth about all the events in Ukraine that have taken place over these eight years. So there is no point in thoughtlessly waving these slogans that are as loud as they are frankly stupid here. Better focus on your hobby
  9. I agree, but I can understand ElectroSoldier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3wBXkR0rJ0 Unfortunately, this is not forgotten and is not forgiven (Lugansk, Eastern Ukraine, June 02, 2014, attack by Ukrainian aircraft in the city center) This is probably why the decal does not contain insignia of the Ukrainian Air Force
  10. Unfortunately, the model is still in progress. Upon completion final photos will be taken
  11. The nose is scratchbuild. The cavities in the nose cone and forward fuselage were filled with resin to obtain the required thickness. Then, with a file, the nose part was given the necessary shape.
  12. It is not true. If correct, Tamiya's early kit is the F-16FSD (third prototype), which is very different from the first two and corresponds in size to the first production F-16A. The same applies to the Monogram kit
  13. Thank you, I really respect Tailhook Topics and keep this page in my computer's memory. When working with the models, I generally prefer to clarify all the details, proportions, shapes and check the drawings using different photoes of different years, not only by photoes of museum exhibits.
  14. We want a lot of things ... but this is business. In addition to our desires, they also must to think about business efficiency
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