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About usmcski6502

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  1. As a former Deathrattler (‘93-96), I wholeheartedly love this build, great work! S/F, Ski
  2. Heck yeah! Fingers crossed for a new Whiskey kit (hell, a new T or J kit would be amazing!) Semper, Ski
  3. LOVE IT! With the forthcoming 1/35 UH-1Y, time to start thinking about two crew members in the cabin with HGU-84/Ps, and two pilots with Top Owl helmets! Keep up the amazing work! Ski
  4. In my experience working on F/A-18s, AV-8Bs, helos, etc, I think many modelers overdo the RBF tags. The main places you’ll see tags are on landing gear, arresting hooks, and ejection seats. Many contemporary bomb racks don’t use them, although LAU-7s missile launchers do, on the detent wrenches that serve as “arming pins”. AGM-65s and AGM-88s have safe/arm keys that are usually flagged, but the only bombs you’ll see with them on are the CCGs of LGBs, typically. I’d say just do your research on sites like Pinterest, Airliners.net and Flickr. Semper, Ski
  5. Very nice! Just came home from camping at NAS Whidbey Island and saw no less than three EP-3Es still actively serving with VQ-1. Great subject matter! Semper, Ski
  6. Fantastic execution of a not-so-easy kit and paintscheme! Probably the best scale Little Bird I’ve seen, Bravo! Semper, Ski
  7. What an absolutely fantastic thread! And Gunny, I couldn’t agree more about the research aspect of our hobby. I think that’s why it takes me so damn long to crank out a build! By the time I actually get around to sitting at my workbench, I feel like an expert on the subject. Semper Fi, Ski
  8. Hey Guns, I’ve noticed that ResKit has several aftermarket mods that can be used on Ds and Es. Can you speak to the accuracy and applications of these parts? To my relatively untrained eye, they look pretty good to me… https://reskit-models.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Ch-53 Semper Fly, Ski
  9. Looks awesome, Dave! How do you affix the planes to the base? Man, I’d be terrified of the model falling off the plaque! At any rate, another outstanding tribute! Semper Fly, Ski
  10. Big wind right there! I can remember getting mail via COD after several weeks without while aboard the Constellation in the Gulf when an MH-53E came in and blew half of it overboard before they could get the bags below decks. Lots of pissed off sailors and Marines! Semper, Ski
  11. Has anyone heard from the seller lately? Sent payment for one of these kits on April 14th and haven’t received it, despite several PMs. Thanks, Ski
  12. Great addition, especially if you are building a “Black Pony” Bronco from VAL-4 or a Marine VMO Bronco in RVN. Semper, Ski
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