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About GeneK

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  1. It certainly did not! ZM kits are outstanding, and I agree that anything Rich does is over and above what's presented in a kit. Gene K
  2. See my post above yours! It's on Facebook, but anyone can view. Gene K
  3. But still nothing on the CP web site ... from which I was hoping to order. Perplexing how silent Clear Prop is on this much anticipated kit ... but I understand the troubling situation in Ukraine. Gene K
  4. Agree on the quality of the FM kit. However, jonwon already said that " ... it's too "busy" for my likings ... ." regarding the FM Blue Angels kit, so he likely won't be looking at their Thunderbird kit ... unless he considers some of the following: 1/72 scale summary: The inexpensive old Hasegawa Thunderbird kit is less "busy". However, there's the added cost of the decals (which would likely be needed) . Of course the same plastic is readily available, as here , for a few dollars less. Short muzzle, Sparrows, and wing and centerline travel tanks are included. With
  5. Looks great, Dai! What is "the horizontal bar"? Gene K
  6. Thanks, John. Where did you find those? Gene K
  7. Thanks for all the hard work and "inspiring" Zukei Mura, Rich! You were the right man to do it! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Mr3PCtGvwRL2Z7bD/ Gene K
  8. Thanks for highlighting this book, Dutch. I'd like to get a copy, but it appears the author has sold out all copies. Any leads on where I might find one? Gene Not-A-FaceBooker
  9. Thanks, Jari. You ALWAYS come up with the greatest refs! Any idea of the pylons or practice bombs used in that weapons delivery film? Pretty good accuracy for loft bombing "back then" ... Close Enough for a nuc, for sure. Gene K
  10. Use the Monogram kit to detail the Fujimi. Better still, wait a couple of months to [really (!)] treat yourself to the FineMolds kit! Besides the decals and an excellent pilot figure, you'll also get some nice weapons, pods, and pylons for your spares box. Win win. Gene K
  11. That's an excellent (and complete) conversion kit ... much better than the other conversions like the resin fuselage from Italian Kits, or the complete kit from Special Hobby. Thanks for the lead to finding the kits on HobbyLink Japan. Mine will sit alongside my original kit from 2012 (as dated on the decals). Are the fuselage halves molded in black or have you primed it? Looking forward to following your build! Gene K
  12. Wow!! That should certainly do it. Does it collapse for storage? Appears to be a big investment, but then, the high quality of your workmanship deserves it, I think. Gene K P.S. I save your pictures as reference, and also to ensure they don't disappear as in many threads with broken server links. I learned my lesson when Photobucket destroyed so many outstanding threads across so many sites!
  13. Excellent, but I won't be able to see your beautiful workbench. I really liked your eye level shots! Gene K
  14. Excellent thread, Dai!! Really appreciate all the time and effort you take to post such detailed masterworks. Thanks. Gene K P.S. Would be nice if you varied your shooting angle ... for example to get some eye level shots vice 45 degree top views.
  15. Please don't assume facts not in evidence. Gene K
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