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Everything posted by Wombat

  1. I'm hoping it'll get a release down here.. Don't go to the flix too often these days but I'll be going to see this if it does get a release.
  2. Seeing all those sub assemblies come together must bring a bit of satisfaction for all the hard work? That does look insanely good from where I'm sitting! That detail is just amazing that you've been able to replicate not to mention the way you are doing it all. Outstanding work!
  3. That is some stellar work! Absolutely love how you are going about creating this subject. Scratch building at it's finest!
  4. Nice work, Bill! What scale are you building this in?
  5. Outstanding work crackerjazz! I use to follow a persons space related works on another board many years ago that were so much like yours in the way of ability and creating pretty much everything by hand. It really is impressive seeing all the detail you guys are able to do dare I say it, the old fashion way. It's absolutely fantastic to see it being done with such incredible results!
  6. Those round two test are looking very impressive there! The texture looks so much better using the different adhesive. Look forward to how the paint result turns out. Good work!
  7. That should help tone it down and hopefully enough. I know when I painted my 1/72 tank I had no idea on how I was going to get a slight texture back on the tank after sanding all the pre moulded off. Someone suggested to me to heat up my the room I was going to spray in, crank the air pressure right up and spray it from a distance. The paint was almost dry when hitting the tank and gave a real fine texture to it that I was pretty happy with for the size of the ET. You could also give that a try perhaps if the current test doesn't go to plan?
  8. You do come up with some ingenious ideas! Great to see your technique and the results from the trial. Only thing I would question is if perhaps the flour is a little too course for the scale of the subject?
  9. Started playing around last night with some basic learning tasks and although it's going to take a bit of time to get use to the different commands I do have some of them sort of sussed already. So today I thought I would try and do something for myself with what I have picked up last night. You fellas mentioning it'd be a good thing to understand has been playing on my mind and I think I've just been reluctant to give it a go. I always thought it'd be too hard to learn for myself. So I figured something pretty basic is obviously a good place to start for me just to see how things would go an
  10. You're welcome, Pete. I seen the teaser trailer a while back and they played a bit of this new trailer on tv the other morning and I was blown away how good it looked on a bigger screen. Will be catching this on a cinema screen if it gets a release down here!
  11. Spectacular is a word that gets used a lot but in this case it couldn't be truer! That piece is so sharp I think I cut me eyes looking at it! Well done on such an amazing looking piece, Pete. To say you did good would be a huge understatement mate!
  12. Things have been delayed a bit with this project but it is going to happen at some stage this year. The designer notified me that he now wouldn't be able to start on it until the end of Feb which is not any issue really. After getting an idea on what things will cost to have printed I have decided that I wil learn how to 3d print and try and do it myself. In someways it'll be a bit more rewarding to myself also creating the prints. The problem is at this stage there is no consumer based resin printer with a build volume that could print the part's in 1/72 scale without being broken up but that
  13. Love the look you have managed to obtain with that foil, really does look the part to me. Nice work mate!
  14. I'd be contacting Estes and explaining what has happened. Tell them that the model is for static display rather than flight. Would hope they would send out a replacement part and if not you have nothing to loose asking. I've had missing kit parts supplied to me by the manufacturer in the past so would guess that damaged items would be the same sort of thing hopefully?
  15. Nice bit of work, I'm terrible when it comes to such fine details myself.
  16. What you are doing with that S-IC fwd skirt is a huge improvement over the kit part and the LOX vents will look fine in this scale. Good to see you at this again!
  17. At least the international postage is cheap on that one.. but as Darryl Kerrigan would have said, tell em they're dreaming!
  18. Wouldn't worry about the time it taking, just remember it's the closest it's been now to being done! 👍
  19. Lunokhod 2, What a fantastic and generous offer sharing them files for that Lunar Module for all mankind to use. It's a very cool subject that unfortunately no OOB kit has been able to nail. I think you just made a lot of people very happy with your contribution. Well done Sir!
  20. It's just crazy what some people think they can get for some items. Seriously, who would be willing to pay that sort of money? Good luck to them if they get it though!
  21. I ain't got nothing! It's looking fantastic and it's great to see how you are bringing this all together as you are. A lot can be learned from a builds like this, the different techniques you use and how you approach things can be a benefit to many that follow along. Good to see that you can see that light at last.
  22. This is another fantastic build going on here, love all the work you're putting into this. Even being that mm out how good does that all look! Going to be a very nice piece when you are done going on where it's at already.
  23. Aussie Pete, your Falcon looks great. Is the whole thing a print and what did you use to print it on?
  24. Thanks for the input and those couple of links also. I will check out that class during the week. I've spent a bit of today reading some beginner guides on some of the aspects of printing which has explained some basic stuff. There's going to be a lot to learn before I wont need someone holding my hand but so far things I have searched for to know I've been able to find an answer for. I was just introduced to supports and how anything with a 45 deg overhang or more will require some. I don't think my Saturn V parts should be too bad being printed in the vertical position but some of the LUT pi
  25. Pete, your ability to replicate so much detail is just fantastic and the project is really shinning from all you're throwing at it, top work mate!
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