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About KevinS

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 07/01/1970

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  • Location
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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  1. Selling this as a lot. I don't build 1/32 anymore and I am moving. $100 CDN plus shipping gets you all of this: Cutting Edge Modelworks 1/32 4x Aim-9D/G/H Sidewinders 2 sets Scale Aircraft Conversions 32001A F-105 Landing Gear 2 sets CAM 32-005 VF-74 F-4J Bedevilers CAM 32-019 VF-213 F-4J Phantom II CAM 32-022 VF-111 F-4B Phantom II CAM 32-A002 1/32 General Purpose Stars and Bars CAM 32-A002 1/32 General Purpose Stars and Bars Black Magic CEBM32029 RF-4C Phantom Canopy Masks Black Magic CEBM32031 F-4C/D/J Phantom Canopy Masks for Tamiya Black Magic CEBM32007 F-4 Phantom II Walkways
  2. Got these when I preordered the A-1H way back when. I'll never use these. $80 USD shipped from Canada. Payment via paypal or EMT if in Canada. SWS MD3 tug with driver. 5 resin figure set. Includes pilot, 3 loaders and a deck crew.
  3. I have the following 1/32 scale plastic kits for sale. Prices are in Canadian funds and do not include shipping from Winnipeg. Payments via EMT preferred. I am not looking for any trades. Prefer to keep in Canada due to cost of shipping outside Canada but if you send me your address I can determine what it would be outside Canada. Trumpeter Mig-21F-13 $70 Trumpeter F-100D Super Sabre + Zactomodels intake $125 Kittyhawk OV-10A/C $75
  4. I have the following Accessories and Decals for sale. Prices in Canadian funds. Buyer to pay shipping. Payment via PayPal or EMT if in Canada. I am not looking for any trades right now. Message me if you want pictures of anything specific. Cutting Edge Modelworks 1/32 4x Aim-9D/G/H Sidewinders 2 sets $25 for both 1 missile from 1 set missing a front fin. Scale Aircraft Conversions 32001A F-105 Landing Gear $10 Scale Aircraft Conversions 32001A F-105 Landing Gear $10 $5 ea CAM 32-005 VF-74 F-4J Bedevilers CAM 32-019 VF-213 F-4J
  5. Markings are different. Otherwise it is the same kit. Shipping to the US is either $14 or $18 USD depending on whether you want it tracked or not.
  6. I have the following Decals and Accessories for sale. Prices are in USD and don't include shipping from Canada. Cutting Edge Modelworks 1/32 Aim-9D/G/H Sidewinders 4 missiles $20 Cutting Edge Modelworks 1/32 Aim-9D/G/H Sidewinders 4 missiles $18 (missing one nose fin. Should be easy to fabricate.) Custom Aeronautical Miniatures 1/32 Exhaust Burner Cans for F-4E/F/G/J Phantom II $15 Custom Aeronautical Miniatures 1/32 Exhaust Burner Cans for F-4E/F/G/J Phantom II $15 Scale Aircraft Conversions 32001A F-105 Landing Gear $10 Scale Aircraft Conversions 32001A F-105 Landing Gear $10
  7. I have the following Hasegawa Phantoms for sale. Prices are in Canadian funds and don't include shipping. I would like to keep this within Canada as shipping outside of Canada can be costly. All are $30 each. They are all unstarted. Hasegawa QF-4N Phantom II Drone Hasegawa F-4 C/D Phantom II Egypt I
  8. I have the following decals for sale. Prices in USD and buyer pays shipping. All in unused like new condition. Message if interested with address so I can get a shipping cost. Fox One Decals - $15 ea. Gunfighter F-4C Phantoms 48-002 Sale Pending - US Marine Corps Phantoms in SE Asia 48-003 Marine Skyhawks in Vietnam A-4E CAS and TA-4F FAC 48-022 Sale Pending - US Navy Phantom MiG Killers II 48-023 Sale Pending - USAF Phantoms in Vietnam 48-024 Sale Pending - Marine Corp Crusaders 48-025 Superscale 48-601 F-86E/F Sabres "Mig Mad Marine"
  9. Bought these a few years ago and never got around to framing them. Just want to sell them now. $200 CAD plus shipping for both. Images here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R-k7rR1PNniMJb8hT0ts40naujbTGwKo https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ycXYMeDA8hz_FseFmsS_SEiXVlPfGkYb
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