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About CanadaMoe

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  • Interests
    Props and some selective jets

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  1. Hello Everyone, I'm in search for the above decal sheet. I can trade kit(s) for it or buy it. Let me know. Thank for looking Moe
  2. Hello Everyone, Would like to trade for the kit mentioned above. Any takers? Moe
  3. Hello Tim, I have several of these kits. Would love the canopy mask set. Except, I'm in Canada. Let me know if you can send them to me. Thank You Morris
  4. Hello Everyone, Just wanted to put out a good word for "zerosystem". Just completed a trade for some kits. Deal with in confidence. CanadaMoe
  5. PM sent on possible trade. Tamiya spitfire Mk I and Mk V.
  6. Thanks Charlie for the suggestion, but with my limited knowledge of 109s, I told him that there are bumps on the wings that are not characteristic of a G-6.
  7. Hello All, Would like to dress up my Hasegawa F-16 with a pair of these missiles. Does anyone have a pair that they are not using. Could trade for them or purchase them. I have mostly WWII Allied A/C, but have some (mostly Haseagawa 109) German A/C. Thanks for looking, Moe
  8. Hello Paul, Unfortunately, those are the missing markings from my sheet. (Must be a popular subject.) Moe
  9. Is there a particular marking you are looking for? I have a partial sheet. Moe
  10. Hello All, I'm looking for a set of the Airfix kit decals of FX F. From kit A04046. If someone can spare a set we can talk about a trade or something. Willing to trade for whole kit and decals. I have an Airfix P-51D (1/48) as trade bait.
  11. Hey Chris. The base was a DIY project. It's many years old, and the sponge is starting to fall apart. I had to re-glue several of the "shrubs" before taking the pics. It serves it's purpose.
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