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Scooter Man

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About Scooter Man

  • Rank
    Scooter Man
  • Birthday 02/26/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central New Jersey, U.S.A.
  • Interests
    I enjoy building mostly military aircraft, armor, and helicopters in a variety of scales. My favorite subjects are usually IDF or JSDF related. Favorite aircraft are: the F-14 Tomcat, the A-4 Skyhawk, and the British DeHavilland Mosquito.

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  1. I just discovered this line of books and was wondering if there was anyone who actually owned a copy of this particular guide and who would be willing to share their thoughts on the quality and value of the book. I'm working on a couple of British Sea Kings and was wondering if this book might be worthwhile to purchase. Thanks & Regards, Tim
  2. I know this is a REAL long shot but I'm wondering if there is anyone out there (in the U.S.) who would be interested in trading my AFV Club 1/35 M1132 Stryker (kit# AF35132) for your HobbyBoss 1/48 EMB 314 Super Tucano (kit# 81727). If you are interested can you please contact me directly at gnomad781(at)gmail.com Thanks, Tim Burlington, New Jersey
  3. HobbyBoss 1/48 Brazilian EMB314 Super Tucano Hasegawa 1/48 Kawasaki T-4 (any non "Blue Impulse" boxing) Both parties pay their own shipping - prefer to keep trade within the U.S. Regards, Tim
  4. Thanks for the "heads-up".......! I've added my email to the waiting list on Hannants site! Regards, Tim
  5. Been looking high & low for this sheet but so far no joy. My guess is this probably a VERY long shot but as they say, "ya never know to ya ask." Anyway, I'm looking for the Xtradecal sheet# X72303 Westland Sea King Collection. Am willing to pay $30.00 plus shipping (would prefer a seller here in the USA but will entertain sales from abroad as long as the postage isn't too bad) Thanks for looking! Tim
  6. My kit is new and still in a sealed box. I'm looking for the Xtradecal Sheet X72303 - the one that covers the various British Westland Sea King Helicopeters. Please email at: gnomad781(at)gmail.com if interested in doing a straight swap. P.S. I'm in NJ.
  7. She is a REAL beauty!! Great job & thanks for sharing with us. Cheers! Tim
  8. Wow, I love both kits but especially the Vega! Nicely executed Geoff!
  9. One word, SWEET! Okay, let me add another adjective just because your work really deserves it, INSPIRATIONAL!! Cheers, Tim
  10. Love it! As Caudleryan has already mentioned, the livery is definitely very striking. Just one quick question if you don't mind, where did you get the stand? Did you make it yourself or did it come with the kit? Again, very nicely done!
  11. I'm looking to build a 1/72 Westland Sea King HU.5 from the 771 Naval Air Squadron based at RNAS Culdrose back in 1996. This was the bird that had a "reddish" nose section, tailboom section, and sponsons and featured a Club of Spades (?) logo on the nose and both sides of the fuselage. Anyway I've found a Mr. Hobby Color for the main body structure but I was wondering if anyone knew of a good color mix using Gunze Mr. Hobby paints for the "reddish" areas. Thanks! Ti
  12. **** KIT HAS BEEN SOLD!! ****** ****************************** I have a Revell 1/48 Sikorsky CH-53 GS/G kit that I would like to either sell or try and work out some sort of trade. The important thing is that I have all the sprues & instructions for this kit but no box...so please take that into consideration. Note: the parts trees are wrapped individually in aluminum foil - this is how the guy I bought the kit from packaged them. I'm asking $25.00 for the kit plus shipping (USPS Ground Advantage)..... The kits that I would be interested in tradin
  13. **** DEAL COMPLETED **** I have a brand new (unopened) Tamiya 1/48 Vought F4U-1D Corsair WITH Eduard Canopy Mask set EX033 - this mask set is designed specifically for this kit. I am looking to trade for the following two kits: Tamiya 1/72 F4U-1D (kit# 60752) and Tamiya 1/72 F4U-1A (kit# 60775) Note: I already have the Tamiya 1/72 F4U-1 "Birdcage Corsair" so that is not an alternative for me. I live in New Jersey. I would expect each to cover their shipping costs. If interested, please contact me directly at: gnomad
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