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About otterblue32

  • Rank
    Glue Required

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  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio

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  1. Agreed. My mom doesn't understand why I work on a model for so long and then discard it while still enjoying the process and not being frustrated by the "failure". I've even managed to finish and keep a few that I like.
  2. This model is incredible and those seats are better than an entire model of mine.
  3. I think that's incredible detail at that scale. I have no idea how you did those bombs!
  4. Great work! I love the paint job and weathering and fine details. Excellent!
  5. It looks fantastic! I bet your friend loved it.
  6. (Aside from the finished product.) Mine is airbrushing wings and fuselage.
  7. I couldn't agree more. That's a great looking plane. Plus, I assume there's some variety in color choices, as opposed to military planes.
  8. Are you referring to: scalemates.com
  9. I've never heard of that plane before and I just looked it up. It is beautiful - and great color scheme.
  10. I think the 202 and 205 are truly beautiful looking planes. I love the dk.green & brown camo pattern of some of the 202s - it looks like dk.green & gold. From what I've read, the 205 was a highly regarded plane and rivalled the Mustang - yet was released only in minor numbers prior to Italy's capitulation, so it had little effect on the war.
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