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Everything posted by pminer

  1. Guys, I'm looking for this decal sheet. >>> http://www.arcair.com/Rev3/2401-2500/rev2437-ModelAlliance-MA72162/00.shtm Only problem is that when I email the Model Alliance sales people like their website says to do...the email is bounced back. I'm assuming Model Alliance is no longer of this world....? Anyway...do any of you have the above decal sheet? Or better yet...the decal sheet from the HELLER 1:72 E-3 F/E-3 B "AWACS" kit? Here >>> http://www.hlj.com/product/hel80383/Air Thanks! Paul
  3. Is this a real pic or is it Photoshopped? I had NO idea they F-22 had such a sheen to it!
  4. How bout a flag...base code...serial number...Sq code....SOMETHING! Oh yeah...and formation stripes.
  5. DEFINITELY needs some color! Tail art....roundels...stencils...and while we're at it..make the "Royal Air Force" more cursive or official or something! Other than that...beautiful paint job!
  6. LOL!...no way!! lol...
  7. Anybody know when the Academy F-4C is due out? It's the Pavlov's dog syndrome for me. LOL...
  8. Any body know when the Academy F-4C is due out?
  9. LOL!...I always love the Jennings perspective.
  10. A400M in Charlston AFB markings.
  11. Not sure what that is...?? Thanks, Paul
  12. Guys...anyone know of a sheet of decals that says 'U.S. Air Force' only? I'm building a 1/72 scale "what-if" and need these decals in varying sizes. I.E...I'm not sure what's going to work until I have the decals to test fit them. Thanks, Paul
  13. Guys...anyone know of a sheet of decals that says 'U.S. Air Force' only? I'm building a 1/72 scale "what-if" and need these decals in varying sizes. I.E...I'm not sure what's going to work until I have the decals to test fit them. Thanks, Paul
  14. Freakin GREAT! I've got the kit. Great model. Great subject. Yours is the best I've seen on the internet....by FAR! THanks
  15. Wasn't there a "how to" article on painting the Raptor? Very good as I remember. Will try to find on ARC.
  16. Planning to build an A400M with markings for the 437th Airlift Wing at Charlston AFB, SC. Sounds good on paper!
  17. Ted... beautiful seats!! How did you get the ejection handles striped so perfectly? Thanks, Paul
  18. LOL!!...Leave it to Jennings. Awesome...
  19. Jennings...where on Facebook did this first appear? Are there any more pics?
  20. I went to the website. There was only one pic. Anbody else have more pics of these engine replacements? Paul
  21. Wow...thanks! Are they any good? Quality? Thanks, Paul
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