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A few people have built a whif F-15N Sea Eagle/Seagle.

Do a search on the web might, give yah a few Ideas. Darren Roberts made a cool one with canards etc.

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Probably he is doing a WHIF project. If one member can build a carrier-based F-20 I suppose its great Hornet wants to build a Sea Eagle.

Someone beat him to it:


(Of course, it's not 'scalemodelworld', it's Zulu Oscar November Echo -Five. -but we can't paste or type that here. The wonders of modern communications.)

Edited by ChippyWho
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An "F/A-18G" would be a Growler, And "F/A-18E" would be a Single seat Super Hornet, And "F-15E" Strike Eagle is a USAF (Air Force)Strike Fighter.

Not a response to the OP, but if it's a What if, then Who Cares what it has hanging from it, it's not accurate to begin with, and will never be.


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Not a response to the OP, but if it's a What if, then Who Cares what it has hanging from it, it's not accurate to begin with, and will never be.

There are different levels of unreality. If you want to make a story of a navalized F-15, it would be a more consistent one with a typical Navy load. If you are building it with Air Force weapons, or X-wing lasers, or 2 precision guided universe destroying bombs, it would be different stories.

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There are different levels of unreality. If you want to make a story of a navalized F-15, it would be a more consistent one with a typical Navy load. If you are building it with Air Force weapons, or X-wing lasers, or 2 precision guided universe destroying bombs, it would be different stories.

On that note, I'd go with Harpoons - either underwing, or, for added whiffity, on the fuselage corner Sparrow stations.



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An "F/A-18G" would be a Growler, And "F/A-18E" would be a Single seat Super Hornet, And "F-15E" Strike Eagle is a USAF (Air Force)Strike Fighter.

Not a response to the OP, but if it's a What if, then Who Cares what it has hanging from it, it's not accurate to begin with, and will never be.


Actually it is EF-18G Growler, the F-18G is still called Hornet and that is used by the RAAF.

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Yes it is a what if sorry should have made it more clear

so I just wanted to know if any one had any advice for the warload I thought maybe one or two HARMs and some bombs with tomcat load out for defense it is the revell kit so I will have to by ammo for the plane as it comes with four sidewinders and two tanks for the pylons

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OUCH, I cringe to think what one carrier arrested landing would do to those spindly landing gear legs. Not even want to think about the tail hook the AF has on it.crying.gif

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I looked thru my Aero series #28 book p.18&19 which the Navy investigated the possibility of the F-15N with phoenix missles in place of the sparrows. Also shows the wing tips and smaller airbrake of the prototype with the snag stabilator.

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OUCH, I cringe to think what one carrier arrested landing would do to those spindly landing gear legs.

How about changing the landing gear to F/A-18 parts then?



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How about changing the landing gear to F/A-18 parts then?



If you think about it, the F-15 main gear are designed very similar to the F-4 gear. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure an F-15 could get all mangle up if it tried to trap, I'm just saying, basic struts are quite similar (as compared to the Hornet gear)--and, no, you don't need to post a bunch of pics, I've seen them. It just seems that F-4 gear, being more beefy, might be a better swap.

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Depending on the scale your making there is a Cutting Edge kit of Growler/Prowler Pods in 1/48th scale and Super Bug Models use to sell a conversion/update kit for the earlier Hasegawa kit that gives you a couple of ALQ-99 pods as well. I thought there was an update for the 1/72 scale from someone, but my google-fu is failing tonight.

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I just saw the seagle with canards but I`m leaning morew towarld the VF-41 seagle as a loadout that build and another here on ARC a wild weasel Eagle made me think what if the navy bought the eagle and some where converted to EF-15 G to replace the prowler in the radar jamming role :woot.gif::salute:

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I rebuilt my Academy 1/72 F-15D (well the box said F-15E, but we all know it's a "D") to a WHIF VFA-2 Bounty Hunters. I hung sextuplet Mk-82 under one wing, and a HARM under the other, plus 2x AMRAAM and 2x 'Winder on side launchers.



More pics in my Photobucket album: http://s742.photobucket.com/albums/xx69/mchoo2005/f15d-rebuild/

'Luck! :cheers:

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Actually it is EF-18G Growler, the F-18G is still called Hornet and that is used by the RAAF.

The RAAF currently operates F-18F Super Hornets, they've ordered 6 EA-18G Growlers (not EF-18G), which will be conversions from 6 F-18F airframes (12 of the 24 F-18F's are wired for EA-18G conversion). The RAAF currently operates no G variants and therefore we don't know what the RAAF will call the G variant in service.

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