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About MattN

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  1. Very nice! I had do a similar amount of work on the German version, the Italeri 1/48 PAH-2 - so I feel your pain. Yours came out splendidly.
  2. I used Mission Models on my Tamiya F-35A (their Have Glass V color) and I used Createx thinner and poly Hobby Lobby. The Mission poly bottle was unopened and was indoors in a closet(dark and climate-controlled) since purchase, and it had solidified. I played with Mission thinner just to get a feel for how it airbrushed before starting in earnest - and the pigment seemed to clump and separate from the liquid medium and clog my airbrush (Iwata HP-CS). Awful. I did some research and (I can't recall where I saw this) but I used Createx thinner and poly which I got fro
  3. My latest project done, Sword's 1/48 Reggiane Re.2001CN night fighter. Really enjoyed this project. For a limited-run kit, this was a pretty good one to build. The fit was decent to good, and though there were no alignment pins, I made braces along the seams to ensure there would be no overlap or mismatch. I used MASTER barrels for the underwing MG.151 cannon gondolas and also the the Breda SAFAT 12.7mm guns in the cowling. The barrels in the cowling didn't protrude that much on the real plane but since their detail was so nice, I took some 'creative license' to have them stick out furthe
  4. Ultracast has the TwoBobs sheet - for $100..... https://www.ultracast.ca/Twobobs-48-049-F-105D-Wrap-Around-THUDS-p/twob48049.htm
  5. Thanks for the heads-up, sir
  6. Saw this on Hyperscale - https://nautiluslive.org/ According to the HS thread they already surveyed Akagi and Yorktown
  7. A prop subject this time, the old Pacific Coast Models 1/48 MC.200 Saetta. Not bad for a limited run kit. The near-total lack of alignment pins, ribs, etc. made for some planning and measuring to get everything to line up and fit took some doing, but nothing insurmountable. The fit of the plastic and resin parts was pretty decent. The resin cockpit was surprisingly well-detailed for a casting from 2004. The recessed panel lines were pretty crisp and only a but of rescribing was needed. The curves on the vacu-form canopy were rather tricky, but all in all I think it turned out pretty well
  8. As close as I can tell (with my aging eyes) it's 30-31 mm. Hope that helps?
  9. No Hurricane expert, but I thoroughly enjoyed the Airfix Hurricane. I also liked the fact that all three boxings of the kit (BoB, Tropical and Sea Hurricane) all had the parts to make all three different versions- just different box art and decals. I built a Sea Hurricane out of the Tropical boxing and scrounged up some Aeromaster Sea Hurricane decals. I have the Italeri Sea Hurricane and it looks good in the box. I also have the Classic Airframes 'rag wing' Hurricane Mk. I and a Hasegawa Hurricane IIC (haven't built those yet either).
  10. That's too bad 😞 I had good luck with the one set (for the ES-3A) that I used. That was a long time ago though - at least 10 years. Maybe their quality was a bit better then.
  11. Slick-looking Phantoms, you two 🙂
  12. Looking good so far! I'd recommend the SAC metal landing gear, esp with all the weight being added. The kit landing gear is spindly and might not hold up long-term (I build an ESA-3A Shadow years ago and used the SAC gear without any problems).
  13. Phase Hangar Resin discontinued all of their traditional cast items in favor of 3-D printing - so their F-14B conversion is no longer available :(
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