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About signals

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    Full Blown Model Geek

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  1. Looking to find out more information about the PAF F-6s 1. Approx when were the MB Mk 10 seats installed 2. The time of addition of the parapack tail fairing? 3. I've seen 2 different types of cannons installed on the planes. Can anyone help clarify?
  2. signals


    The stuff looks really nice! Especially the ENGINE POSITIONING TRAILER
  3. These look really nice! especially the positioning trailer!
  4. Over the years I've come to notice that one can hardly think of an AFV for which there isn't a model either in 1/48 or 1/35 but similarly realized that aircraft kits are a LOT harder to come by; think T-37. Thoughts on why that may be the case?
  5. any link? guessing with Kinetic's prices just the mask sheet will be the cost of the kit!
  6. Seems like the scheme did get produced: Ebay link
  7. Not fully done; have to put the yellows and tags on there; and of course the crew https://imgur.com/a/CpHEtYQ https://imgur.com/a/CpHEtYQ.jpg
  8. The lighted cockpit
  9. I plan on putting in lights inside the cockpit; once I get a chance I'll show them. In the meantime; you can see what I put inside https://www.I am a spammer, please report this post..us/item/3256803493355169.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.642f7492IKB9kr&gps-id=pcDetail404&scm=1007.16891.271412.0&scm_id=1007.16891.271412.0&scm-url=1007.16891.271412.0&pvid=2d1d3021-55b0-40b1-8a6c-98c21f957a5e&_t=gps-id%3ApcDetail404%2Cscm-url%3A1007.16891.271412.0%2Cpvid%3A2d1d3021-55b0-40b1-8a6c-98c21f957a5e%2Ctpp_buckets%3A668%232846%238112%231997&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!7.67!6.90
  10. I'm building a B-1 and going to put crew inside; I'm wondering if B-1 pilots wear a G-suit? Also, can/do different crew members wear a green and tan coveralls at the same time?
  11. Is there a good resin option for the JF-17 ejection seat?
  12. PWMP did a decal sheet for the PAF MiG-19s in 1/32 http://decals.kitreview.com/decals/f6decalsreviewdw_1.htm Wouldn't mind seeing a reprint.
  13. LF/WTB a high speed centerline tank from a MiG-21/F-7 kit
  14. Was wondering if someone had clear references for the Mirage III pitots right ahead of the canopy?
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