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About eraucubsfan

  • Rank
    Full Blown Model Geek

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  1. This... I wonder if you could somehow design someway for the extra window in the fuselage?
  2. Legend makes pilots and gunners, not exactly for this kit but probably would work I also think PJ Productions make some too
  3. Check out Lockheed Martin's Flickr Page, it has a lot of photos of the F-35 on it. I found a bunch on there when I was looking for pictures of the F-35B I am building. It may show pictures of what you are looking for. Another good resource are the individual squadron pages on FB and Instagram. If you already have your markings picked, see if they have a FB or Instagram account, they probably have posted pictures of the aircraft in various "stages".
  4. I have been watching Ice Airport Alaska and saw this aircraft and wondered if anyone did decals for it
  5. I have been watching Ice Airport Alaska and saw this aircraft and wondered if anyone did decals for it
  6. I have the Liveries Unlimited sheet for mine 757, but agree Draw does some nice stuff
  7. I got this one on my list too. Same scheme and all. I will use the Laci set for the "just landed" look What decals are you using?
  8. The nursing home my father used to be in had a Veteran's wing/area, they were always looking for stuff like that to help decorate it. If you are close to a local airport, maybe the FBO or even Hangar tenants would be interested in them for decorations.
  9. Any chance still of the EC-135 ARIA getting some love?
  10. Not to be the "screen door in the submarine" but I feel like there are so many other a/c & kits that could use the Caracal's treatment rather than more F-15 decals...
  11. I haven't heard, but most likely no. I'm sure we'll get a few passes when it arrives and possibly when it departs
  12. They have it listed for the 26-28, at OSH nothing about Springbank.
  13. This is an A I believe, but would this be a feasible load on a F-111D, I like the mixed load look. Looks like AIM-9P, 4X MK 82, SUU-20, EMPTY, 4x Mk.82 and ACMI Pod
  14. Do the AIM-9L/M require an adapter or straight on the pylon? Appreciate your help
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