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The Rat

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About The Rat

  • Rank
    The Rat
  • Birthday 05/20/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pickering, Ontario
  • Interests
    Bombast, nature study/photography, competitive drinking (freestyle), aviation/space, trivia...

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  1. That works, thanks! Still partial to the green, but that's a possible alternative.
  2. Bullock's Oriole, Icterus bullockii, first year male Toronto, Ontario, March 24, 2024 Normal summer range is western North America, winter range Mexico to Guatemala. Seems like this young male got lost on his first migration and wound up here. Feeders have kept it alive all winter, but I suspect it will move on once it fails to get replies to mating calls in a few weeks.
  3. Not the greatest job, but better then I expected. Trying out my portable airbrush, and a spraybooth, decided to try a quick 'real world' build instead of my ususal 'what if?' models. Haven't bothered with the tiny little decals, my 70 year-old eyes are a bit weary, plus I might need them to make a whiffer look more authentic. Masking was with blue-tak and shop towels, paints by Tamiya. Hadn't installed the pitot before taking pictures, and the canopy frames need a bit more scraping. But she's done!
  4. Passenger from the Airfix D.H. Heron. This may be the greatest sink mark in modeling history.
  5. Just what the title says. I'm east of the city, in Pickering, but I can travel. Need a good source for inexpensive pipettes for measuring paint and thinner. I'll get them from a local hobby shop if necessary, but looking for a less expensive supply. Would make-up stores or art stores have them? Note: Please don't suggest Amazon, I refuse to deal with them. Thanks! EDIT: May have found some; Princess Auto has a 20 pack of 3.5ml pipettes for $7.99, good deal?
  6. The Supermarine Starling Hypothetical entrant in a 1930s fighter competition, no weapons fitted. Been in a bit of a funk lately, so rather than bothering with filling every seam and hole and trying to get the finish as good as possible, I'm really just throwing things together in order to get them finished. As usual, it may get some touch-up later. Model is the Airfix Supermarine S.6B, which I believe I may have originally built about 60 years ago. This was a few bucks at a local shop, so it was procured as a nostalgia build. Riiiight... The ur
  7. Got a 404 error on that link. My heart is set on green, it just looks right.
  8. I'm sure that someone has done a Buffalo Airways aircraft, just wondering if they would know the shade of green used, and what brand. It's a 'What if?' so I'll also have to try to crank out my own decals. Decal sets are available, but probably wouldn't fit.
  9. Okay, no more Flickr links, just posting direct Topper's Twin "Gentlemen, you have an excellent aircraft, and I'm sorry to give it back. I wrung her out pretty good, needs a touch-up on the paint!" Captain Edward 'Topper' Toppins, with the 99th Fighter Squadron, 332nd Fighter Group, USAAF, had a wistful look in his eye, a look that spoke of dreams fulfilled and sadness to come. He had tasted the future of aviation, but knew that once he went back to America, he would be a second-class citizen. When Britain offered the US
  10. Holy thread revival, Batman! Did this ever progress? I'm loving your detail pictures, both aircraft and model, because I'm building one right now. It's the ancient Revell 1/60th kit, crude but good enough for a 'What if?'!
  11. That type of link works in this thread, but not in a new one I started. This is stupid.
  12. Nah, back to ARC refusing to show Flickr links again. Guess I'm outa here. Have fun folks.
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