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About BillS

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    Step away from the computer!

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  1. Yes. The halogen light was moved to the nsg door on blk 30.
  2. Habu is right. The Augmenter (afterburner) liner including the nozzle flap interior surfaces have a kind of gritty ceramic coating which helps with reducing IR. When new, the color is off-whiteish but becomes light tannish with time. There are dark streaks matching the spray bars that looks a lot like the burn pattern on a household stove or heater burner. Modern engines like the GE-110, 404 etc are very clean so there is no real sooty residue. The outer nozzle flaps are various tones of alloy and are dull ish. I personally use various Tamiya rattle can silvers including dark gunmetal for this
  3. A spectacular model done to “holy grail” standards as per your usual. Now help me figure out slats on my Collectaire F-107! Bill
  4. Dave is the man. There are few more kind and generous. The Marines he supports know it.
  5. My bad! I stand corrected. I’m ashamed considering I was assigned to 4 F-16 organizations! As a side note, the adapter is mated to the aircraft for suspending the 300 tank but frequently ECM pods as well.
  6. Here’s my two bits from a USAF perspective: First, all pins, covers and safing devices are referred to as -21 equipment. Before the first “go”, the intake, exhaust covers and typically data probe covers are removed but all other pins, locks etc. are left installed until just before engine start or even after in the case of the F-16. If weapons are installed, pins remain installed and will be removed at EOR (end of runway) where the jet will not only be armed but checked over for loose fasteners, cut tires, etc. if the jet is carrying AIM 9s, the IR seeker cover and proximity fuse cover are re
  7. One thing for certain; the pylon in the image is bassakward! I would imagine the type 2 was a later or reworked tank. I don’t have a clue when that type came on the scene though
  8. Ben,

    glad you liked the goodies. It’s on me.


    1. Ben Brown

      Ben Brown

      Thank you! Please let me know if I can ever return the favor.



    2. BillS



  9. Truly beautiful down to the hardware on the seats, wow! Surgical quality all the way!
  10. Dave, which paints are you using these days? B.
  11. Very well executed tough model. Quite inspiring!
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