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Everything posted by foxmulder_ms

  1. kotey; Please give priority to mig-29 stencils hence there is none out there.... just my wish..
  2. Thanks for the nice words... Yes, It is an Academy kit. I used model master fulcrum colors and white ensign mig radome color. A few more pictures:
  3. Really cool history... hope to see building:)
  4. Looking great. Colors look okay for me.
  5. Really nice built. Waiting for your new updates.
  6. Great! Waiting for more Su-27, tough Never enough!
  7. I haven't realised it before. Thanks for the pictures...
  8. I think academy kit has only one issue, nose. Other than that I am not aware of any shape issues. (Of course the cockpit... but that doesn’t count:) )
  9. For my current building, I need some Cuban Mig-29 pictures. Only reference I have is hi-decal instructions. It says the plane 911 has no roundels and extremely weathered. Can anyone share any pictures?
  10. What a project... I am eager to see the result :)
  11. They are almost same kits, different plastic quality.
  12. Exactly! As I wrote before, my priority is stencils, too.
  13. I'll be very happy if we have high quality stencils of this beautiful bird...
  14. Wonderful pictures. Thanks... I just wanted to add smt. I believe the heavy weathering mainly because of lighter paint since turkish ones don’t look as much weathered as Greek ones. May be, because they have a darker color and different type of paint.
  15. Well, it is not direct but if it is not wanted mods can erase it:) edit: Anyway i changed it...
  16. Great! Waiting for 1/48... 595... test pilots
  17. What is the distance between fins' tips of a mig-29?
  18. They are very close. If you can wait about 2 months you may see my flanker with those paints:)
  19. All of the Su-27 derivaties have the same nose. And, yes there are two correct resin noses from Pisco and Miniarm. However, rigth now it is very hard to find out.
  20. Of course, thanks Andrey Zinchuk! The name and web site was still there, tough ;)
  21. New 1/48 flanker decals (part1/2 and sea flanker) are beautiful, I had them yesterday and like them
  22. Great job. I hope we can buy or reach miniarm one day...
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