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Silver Seraph

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Everything posted by Silver Seraph

  1. Man, I have generally not much interest in Sukhoï fighters but this level of accuracy or dedication to detail is the reason I will most certainly purchase all of their Sukhoï kits. These are gigantic steps ahead of the Hobby Boss and Kinetic kits which were not bad kits after all. Cheers !
  2. Awesome 👌 ! I see no reason to purchase resin seats, the part definition is so beautiful, I cannot see Tamiya doing any better... except perhaps for transparencies. Amazing work ! Cheers !
  3. Amazing details and molding finness ! I have seen many 1/32 side consoles with far less details. When I see this, all I want to do is use my fine brushes and dump Eduard's colored (and way too much pixelated) PE. GWH sure rock !!! Cheers !
  4. Hello, The Fly kit you mention is nice, it features fine recessed details, a nicely faceted windshield, resin antennas and photoetched parts but it suffers from slightly too big main wheels/too thick main gears/too fat engines and too thick wing root. It is not necessarily that visible but once I saw it, I could not "un-see" it. Anyway it still builds into a very nice DC-9-30 kit. The Eastern Express kit is IMHO the best, very refined, beautiful recessed details (but fragile nose gear and some flashes here and there), it improves on all the weak points on both Airfix an
  5. I read that the Kinetic was superior in accuracy but the AMK was the most detailed one. No idea who is right who is wrong, I have not checked. I have to say I am always impressed by AMK's molding quality and detailing, especially on the Magister kit. Lots of details that will not be seen once assembled but still nice to have them. If I were to build a Magister, I would go with the AMK kit, or the DACO 1/32 kit to be released this or next year.
  6. Got it ! I had in mind the 2007 ref. 05115 kit, you must have been talking about the 2015 ref. 05126 kit wich appears much better, my bad.
  7. Really ? Then I missed the boat. I was certain their last Mk. 1 was tooled in like 2010 or something like this, chunky mouldings and average part definition, to me it appeared like pure junk. I will go check on Scalemates which mould you mentioned.
  8. Any business is cash-driven so I guess they tool what they think will sell. Besides, the last early Mk. 1 Spitfire tooled was from Airfix (like 10 or 12 years ago) and IMHO absolute rubbish, so there was a need for an early Mk. 1 Spitfire. I have the Tamiya one which I enjoy tremendously but it sadly does not offer the 2 blades propeller and flat canopy.
  9. Looks very nice. Their splendid Tempest also featured positive rivets on the aft fuselage and I liked this very much. On this Spitfire, these look every bit as nice as on the Tempest.
  10. Hello, I have 2 kits, ref. 72118, condition is new. Feel free to message me if still interested. Cheers 😉
  11. The detailing and part finesse is absolutely amazing, moulding quality looks splendid ! This kit looks to be really something. Well done Aviation Art !!!
  12. In 1/144 scale, I have their Bombardier CRJ-200, Canadair Challenger and Bombardier CRJ-700. If I remember correctly, the CRJ-200 was their first venture in 1/144 scale. A nice little kit that felt a bit crude, think of short-run, low moulding definition on small parts but still very buildable. The Challenger was a MASSIVE improvement, especially in the small part moulding definition. The CRJ-700 again added a bit more finesse to the moulding quality, to the point I consider it as good as a Zvezda kit (so much better than Revell's stuff). Decals
  13. Hello, Big Plane Kits just announced a Boeing 757-200 kit in 1/144 : at long last a modern and accurate 757 kit in styrene. https://m.facebook.com/BigPlanesKits/photos/a.1510613519216386/2595147927429601/?type=3&theater These guys really rock !!!
  14. Hello, Big Plane Kits are to release a Boeing 777-300ER in 1/72 : http://bigplaneskits.com/blog/ 3D design hopefully completed this year 2020 so hopefully released in 2021. I cannot wait : I was about to order Modelsvit's 1/72 Il-86 for its detailing level but I will now patiently wait on this gigantic 777 kit. BPK's Boeing 737-200, Canadair Challenger CL-600 and Bombardier CRJ-700 are IMHO absolute stunning kits. The following Airbus A319, Boeing 737-800 and 777-300ER kits should be equally mouth-watering. Silver Seraph
  15. You leave me with the feeling there is something personal between you and this Airfix designer. You made your point numerous times on many different forums, with sentences written in capital letters, bold letters, red letters, sometimes all 3 at the same time, that this kits was not at your taste. I will not go that far saying "no kit is perfect then it should be accepted as is" but... I am curious as to what you want to achieve by repeating the same things numerous times here in there ("they had access to the real MiG-17 but they flawed, why, Why, WHY, etc") ?
  16. I can see AMP or Mikro Mir doing a 1/144 B-52.
  17. IMHO, not picky. Just different people with different interests. And both (the ones ecstatic about this kit vs the ones expecting better) are probably right. I do not like what I see overall (and I am dead certain it is not an optical illusion or lighting/reflection stuff) but I will probably buy one kit just for the dirty wings and sell the remainder. I just hope the recessed details on the wings are not that far off Tamiya's recessed details finesse.
  18. Wow, I like this MSRP of USD 118 much better 🤤 !!!
  19. I think he edited the post, what I read wasn't this "prediction". Anyway I am happy if this new release from HKM turns out to be more accessible. With the todays increase in everythings cost and apparent great level of detail, one could not reasonably expect a new tech 1/48 B-17 priced under USD 100, but USD 280 felt like we really had to deserve it.
  20. I think I saw the MSRP circulating over Master194, USD 280.- ! I was expecting it to be priced a little under USD 200.-... to hell, if done correctly (the nose, please Please PLEASE get it right) I will certainly get one.
  21. They reopened the topic 9mins ago. These guys are too funny...
  22. The moulding look absolutely exquisite, as on all Modelsvit recent releases.
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