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Everything posted by Supertom

  1. OK, so the paint scheme is accurate - another question then - how long did they stay all-black? You said they were delivered all-black, which to me sounds like they repainted them fairly quickly.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm currently building the Airfix AC-130H at the moment and I was wondering if anyone has any information on an all-black AC-130H. As far as I know the Plain Janes were only on the A models and the all-black scheme on the instruction sheet turned out to be a mistake. All the Vietnam-era AC-130H's had camo on top and black on the sides. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks.
  3. Ahh, yes, that's the photo I know of. I have a hard time telling shapes on the spine, but when I compared it to the 9-13 kit I have it sure looks the part. Does that upper fuselage look like it's all green paint to you by the way?
  4. Hi everyone, Does anyone know what variant of MiG-29 North Korea uses? I have an Italeri 9-12 ready for paint and thought I'd do a North Korean one, but I've been hearing 9-13. Thank you!
  5. Hi IAF-man, I've seen both kits and when it came down to the decision to buy, I went with the Revell kit. It's a lot more detailed and better priced.
  6. Nice. I'm not sure, but Darren seems to have put on some weight since I last saw him. Probably because he hasn't been sent any of Bugfan's infamous "modeling challenges." So, what's the blooper reel like?
  7. Dude, chill - it'll show up. Raymond and gang has always delivered. I ordered mine two weeks after that first batch of SAL shipments so I still have a while to go. But then I'm going to forget about it and then one day, BAM! I get a huge present at my door!
  8. Wait, when was this first shipment sent out? I placed my order July 3rd and shipped July 5th according to the purchase log. Not blaming Lucky Model or something - I'm excited about my order!
  9. Ahhh wait....nevermind, delete this post please. Thank you!
  10. I don't have too much I am a spammer....please report this post. experience here (happy Android user) but is there an Apple Store near you that you could bring it to? That'd be your best bet.
  11. Hey everybody, remember how Luckymodel.com had a free SAL shipping deal over 4th of July weekend? I was wondering if anyone in the US had received their SAL packages yet. I'm not slamming Raymond or the folks at LM, I'm just super excited about getting this particular package. It says 18-30 days which I'm assuming is in business days, so that's about 6 weeks (the sale was 4 weeks ago). Thanks!
  12. Hey all, I'll be taking the ol' Ball & Chai-erm I mean lovely wife to a side trip to Columbus this weekend, and we were wondering if, in addition to the three Hobbylands and two Hobbytowns if there were other hobby stores, as well as dollhouse miniature places we should look for? I gave up on looking for dollhouse shops for her because every time I Googled "dollhouse columbus oh" I get "premier gentlemen's club." Thanks!
  13. Sweet! I'm definitely looking forward to this one!
  14. Hi there, I'm not sure if I'm just putting in the wrong search topics, but I haven't found anything for decal stripes in 1/72. Painting those yellow and brown stripes are no fun. I think TwoBobs did some 1/32 missile stripes, but not 1/72. Even just a sheet of stripes would work if I could find some! Alternatively, has anyone tried airbrushing brown and yellow on a white decal sheet, then cut the strips out? I'm wondering if that would work with enamels since acrylics would probably crack.
  15. Hi peeps! Would someone tell me what color/FS I should be looking for to paint modern US missiles like AIM-120 or AIM-9? I ran out of the house without my instruction sheet today and I was planning on making a Hobbytown run on the way home. I keep thinking it's FS36375 (light ghost/compass) but there's this feeling that it could be 36320 (dark ghost/compass) instead. Thanks!!!
  16. Hey Raymond, are there any plans to release that kit in Singapore markings?
  17. Hey guys, Can anyone tell me if the AGM-119 is still being used on Norwegian F-16s? Thanks!
  18. Hey Waco, that Flagon looks awesome! I feel like building mine now (in 1/72). Mike, have you tried Tamiya XF-23 Light Blue? It looks fairly close. Berkut, what's with that strange light blue nosecone? Is it highly faded green paint or was it always that color?
  19. Hi everybody, Does anyone know if there's a site out there with plan view/drawings of fighter instrument panels? I was thinking of making some instrument panel templates. Here's what I was thinking of - an example would be Trumpeter's 1/72 Su-15 series, which provides a blank panel. I'd like to see if I could print the instrument panel in 1/72, then overlay it as a template, then drill holes on it to represent the gauges. Whether it works I've no idea, but it's worth a try. Thanks for any help or suggestions!
  20. Haha, that's brilliant! It's gotta be a labor of love for whoever built it.
  21. Nice! I might have to look into it when it's released. I should probably wait for 2.2 to show up on my Droid first though.
  22. Hi all, I was going to build my Trumpeter Su-15UM in Ukrainian markings, but for some reason there aren't a lot of pictures of them. In fact, I've never seen any in-flight images of a Ukrainian Su-15. What's the deal with that? Also, while looking around, I found this entry on Wikipedia that describes the Su-15UM as a "trainer version of Su-15TM without radar but with combat capability, built between 1976 and 1979." So how does that work? No radar but with combat capability? So, maybe we can't mount missiles on it, but guns instead? Or we can mount missiles on it, but there won't be an
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