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Raymond Chung

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About Raymond Chung

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    Step away from the computer!

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  1. Hi Raymond - is there any way I can order just a decal sheet from kit 48096? I would gladly pay the cost of the sheet and the shipping. Thanks in advance.



    1. Raymond Chung

      Raymond Chung

      Sorry we cannot offer the decal alone 

    2. jgrease


      Ok then. Thank you anyway.



  2. After finish the emanual the next one on my desk is the part replacement website
  3. Better to email me the order# so I track it personally.
  4. Kinetic #48160 F-16A/B ROCAF Missing Decals?




    I ordered the Kinetic Gold F-16A/B Block 20 ROCAF kit #48160 through www.squadron.com  After receiving the kit, I observed that this kit #48160 has the same markings as kit #48055 since the markings guide and one of the decal sheets has 48055 printed on them.


    When I received my #48160 kit I noticed it was missing one of the three decal sheets that appear to be included in #48055.  My kit #48160 contained these two sheets:






    but this third sheet was not included:




    I requested a replacement sheet from Brandon at Squadron, he replied that all of the #48160 kits he received from Kinetic only had the first two decal sheets.  Without the third sheet none of the ROCAF decal options in this kit can be built, including the scheme depicted in the box art.  Should this third sheet have been included in kit #48160?  And if so, how can I obtain the third sheet to complete my kit?


    Greg (Habu2)



    (I tried sending you a private message via ARC but it says you cannot receive messages?)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. habu2


      Sent, thank you

    3. Raymond Chung

      Raymond Chung

      EMAIL received. We will mail out next week.

    4. habu2


      Thank you. 👍

  5. As nowadays we have multiple warehouse among world, and we have 2 warehouse in Hk/China region so when you see in stock it may in stock in Hk or China office. And we will split the order and handle the shipment from different center. as those items already in USA those item will be released right away. So sometimes some client is surprised with the 5 days delivery with surface mail ! as some of the items are stocked in China where the release to shipping is different from HK (as container fully loaded sometimes) it will be postponed to next container.
  6. As those who buy overseas, you notice the cross boarder purchase via traditional postal services becoming more expensive. The world has changed from globalization to regionalization. Thus, at LuckyModel, this is the 4th years that we working hard to establish a new supply chain network to cope with the postal cost, VAT challenge worldwide. The LUCKY AIR is a new method which we are fine tunning everyday in order to offer the lowest possible cross countries shipping while maintain a reasonable timing. 5 days cross country low shipping cost has gone by the public services. The last
  7. It depends on the zip code recently the USPS offer cheaper price. but let me check if we can bear the additional cost or giving an option to go for higher price using UPS
  8. We are asking the shipping company by container number and see if it transferred to another vessel
  9. Dear Thanh we are upgrading the tracking update. The one you see may be the tracking heading to KS, once the box arrived it will be rerouted via UPS or USPS and another tracking will be loaded Raymond
  10. Yes, it is now being forward to USPS/UPS today. The tracking is the 1st leg shipment to our KS office and it will take 2-3 days to reach you.
  11. Dear Brian don’t worry my staff in KS now on trip and the package should be received by the reception office but you never know USPS 🙂 we have asked USPS redeliver or my staff will go to pickup Monday. we are running a new path via different carrier to test the delivery performance. all package will go out KS by USPS/UPS on Monday with the local tracking available in the last mile shipment. More software update to cope with this new services and the delivery timing suffered a bit by combination of Easter holiday local trip etc.
  12. Dear Matt sorry my software update is not finished completely. As the new routing the order sent to USA as if “Hong Kong” for transfer. but you can see the tracking from UPS it is all heading to USA KS. I will finish the software update to display correctly. raymond
  13. This is the second batch of the new LUCKY AIR to USA, we are evaluating the performance and see how we can make smooth and faster onward. initially, we think we can only wait a week before we can collect enough order to go out. now we can ship out every 2-3 days. And for the UK customer, you don't need to worry being annoy by the custom, we have a broker to manage the VAT already.
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