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This is my second Twogar that I've built. This one was to make the masters for an intake trunking set for Steel Beach. I knew to use Tamiya Extra Thin cement on this one, so it didn't fall apart. Decals were from Furball. I can't wait for the single seater. There are so many schemes to do!




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Looks very impressive, well done.

Regards the single seat version I came across this very colourful QF-9 or something like that the other day while doing some online research, would certainly make a nice build.


Edited by scotthldr
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Sprue Bros announced the F9F-8/8P is in stock! :banana:/>

Just ordered one... :)/>

Mine's on the way as well! As soon as I get it, I'll refine the intake lips and get casting on the intake trunking. It's not full run (I don't have the skills to do that), but it blocks off the "see through" look.

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Mine's on the way as well! As soon as I get it, I'll refine the intake lips and get casting on the intake trunking. It's not full run (I don't have the skills to do that), but it blocks off the "see through" look.

Cool! I bought a pair of your A-6 FOD covers on that same order!

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