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About denstore

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 01/14/1969

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    Lund, Sweden

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  1. Only one of those sheets have a natural metal finish and the gun blisters. Quite plain australian markings. Not exactly exhilarating.
  2. I'm looking for some decals for a natural metal (or at least partially NMF) 1/48 B-25J, with the fuselage gun blisters attached. As I understand it, they where removed in early '45 but I'm in hope to find either an earlier bird with or a later one that for some reason kept them. From what I've found, most of the decals available are either for aircraft without the blisters or olive drab / grey finish. I want something more like the Lady Luck on the old Airfix boxart. 😉 Any suggestions?
  3. They are made in Japan, as Iwata. They probably share some parts, as do most Japanese brands. In my opinion, they are excellent.
  4. I have some of them, and they are nice. But probably not worth the price. But I like their diamond file for photo etch very much.
  5. I used to have a glass sheet for that purpose as well. Worked very good, but was a bit hard on the blades. Now I use one of these, and it’s excellent. Very hard, but easier on the knives: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/80233430/
  6. I suppose we all have different needs and opinions. I have never found any electronic store cutters that are as sharp and cut as close as the dedicated modelling cutters.
  7. A really good side cutter. I thought I had good side cutters until I tried ones like these: https://www.tamiya.com/english/products/74123/index.htm Are these the best? Probably not, but they are very good, and available locally. Some say the Godhand side cutters are even better, but I couldn’t find them anywhere close. But if they are even better than the Tamiya cutters, they must be absolutely brilliant.
  8. Interesting! I didn’t know of them at all. When where they released? i use their bottles enamels and acrylics, and the spray cans (decanted). Great if they have started a lacquer series as well.
  9. They are the spray can paint. Usually called TS something. If you want to airbrush them, they need to be decanted.
  10. They are excellent. I have used them a couple of years, and I really like them.
  11. How did you reach that conclusion? You even wrote yourself that "GSI/Gunze Aqueous Hobby Color is alcohol-based acrylic." Vallejo definitely isn't. Mix Vallejo with stronger alcohole based thinners, and it will turn to goo.
  12. They are close to the Tamiya acrylics.
  13. The newer iPhones have quite good cameras in my opinion, but for getting the most from it, you should probably download a better camera app. It will give you more control of things like ISO and shutter speed. The problem with the phone cams are that they have a fixed aperture at f/1.8, I believe. That isn't all bad, since the sensor is almost microscopic, so the depth of field is quite OK anyway. But the downside of the small sensor is high noise. So, if you will accept that the depth of field is fixed, and that the pictures won't stand too much cropping, the iPhone can be quite nice fo
  14. I have most of the tools already, but made by another brand. But the pliers looks very nice. I hope it sells separately.
  15. Glue a thin strip of styrene on the inside of the canopy to get something more solid to glue to the kit.
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