Hi John,
Mmmm. Specific the difference between the F-86E and the Mk. 4 . And the F-86F and the Mk.5/6. I'm familiar with the wings. But there are some minor details on the fuselage, I think. I hope you can help me.
Like the topic said, what are the visible difference between them? Like scopes, panellines. I know something about the wings. Hope someone can help me.
Han Krol
The Netherlands EU
No effects on Me. I don't travel to Euro model Expo in Lingen (Ger). They cancelled the show and got a new date in August.
I have now time to build models.......Not seeing models and talk about it. 🤣
The Hellcat is painted and decaled. But I saw some very usefull footages on youtube of Dk sea blue Catts. They were " clean" . Cept the US Navy then in good conditions in the late war time?
Or what to do to pop-up the panel lines with out a toy look?
Please need some help.