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ross blackford

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About ross blackford

  • Rank
    Life Member (Mon-Key Handler)
  • Birthday 10/24/1952

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  • Location
    Novgorod, NewSouthWallistan

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  1. So sorry to hear Ross has passed away. His passionate, good natured character will be missed.

  2. Ross, you will be greatly missed by ME.I hope you are at peace...REST IN PEACE mate.

  3. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families and friends. This should be the time to unite agaisnt terrorism wherever it rears its ugly head. Good people everywhere should unite and show these people that we won't tolerate this nonsense anymore. This is how evil grows, when good people do nothing to stop it. This is an evil that is affecting every nation, even those in the former eastern bloc. The rest of the world must forget our political differences and send these types a message they can't help but understand. I personally don't like killing but I'm prcatical enough to
  4. :D, Hi Andrey. There's plenty of my native land I've never seen either. Something called work always seems to keep getting in the way. , Ross.
  5. :D, Hi Dean. I've already given an answer in your other thread. The best advice I can give now is to keep experimenting until you find something that you think looks right. , Ross.
  6. :D, Andrey, your English is much better than my Russian, although I'd certainly like to learn Russian as I want to travel there in 2017 or 2019 for the MAKS show and some sight seeing. I'd like to fly to Seoul and then to Vladivostok and catch the Trans-Siberian Express to Moscow. I guess I should start learning now. , Ross.
  7. :D, And then there are tolerances in the production of any real aeroplane, car, truck tank or wigwam for a goose's bridle so it doesn't matter how "accurate" the drawings are the real thing might not conform exactly to the specified dimensions. In a drawing an edge may have a length of say 100mm +/- 0.05mm. I once borrowed a book on the Lancaster from a mate and in it was a story of a brand new Lanc that from memory crashed on its initial service test flight killing all on board. What happened apparently was that during a hard left turn as the aircraft was straightened up again the dinghy pa
  8. :D, Um, somehow I don't think duct tape (or instant airframe as we Aussies call it) is the right tool for that particular job. Screwdriver; quick and easy to swing the mount out of the way to unload your human cargo and then slip it back into place. Duct tape? Slow and messy to remove and slow and messy to fix the mount back in place when you go to take off again. For this particular job in this situation I don't think even the nut and bolt originally supplied with the mount would be the right tool. , Ross.
  9. :D/>, G'day again David. I've just done a little digging and I've managed to find a few photos of that Lancstrian, both while pregnant and before/after pregnancy. It was nick named The Pregnant Lanc by Qantas crews. It was registered VH-EAV and somewhere on the net is a detailed article of how the pod was designed and built. if you google avro Lancastrian VH-EAV you'll find a few photos of. It shouldn't be too hard to design and build a miniature pod for your Lanc. If you're looking for something real but unique this would have to be it and at one time Hawk Eye Models printed decals for it
  10. :D, G'day hooknladder, I just noticed your post when I was looking for something else. Qantas modified a Lancastrian with an under fuselage pod to carry Wright R-3350 engines for their Lockheed Super Constellations to aircraft that required an engine change overseas. The pod was designed and built by Qantas engineers and was used a number of times and made the Lancastrian look as though it was heavily pregnant, but then airlines implemented the practice of sharing engines and the Lancastrian was no longer needed for that purpose. There was a non-fatal crash of a Qantas Lancastrian at Dubbo in
  11. :D, The Jag was a nice bird that I like a lot but I think the Viggen was even better and I'm glad the Swedes have had the sense to preserve in flying condition at least one Draken and one Viggen, unless that has recently changed. Did they also preserve in flying condition a Lansen and/or a Tunnen? We have a Sabre in flying condition but sadly no Mirage IIIO or IIID even though rumours persist that "someone somewhere in Australia is planning to get a Miracle flying again someday. Now that will be as we used to say in the RAAF ground crew world "if it flies it's a bloody Miracle". Personally I c
  12. :D, I remember a Volvo being shot off a carrier deck years ago in an advert. Was that your volvo Aigore? :lol: :lol: , Ross.
  13. :D, Have you thought about using aluminium foil for this purpose? If there's a pattern on it that can be burnished off and the foild becomes flat. Just cut to shape and size and hey presto. One sunshade to scale. , Ross.
  14. :D, G'day Dean. Perhaps you could try wood with a flat reddish colour with a drop or two of white or light grey mixed in with both and then straight clear over this. Did those early Cadillacs have real or faux wood on the dashboards? I know a lot of American cars had faux woodgrain on the dash. I guess it doesn't really matter what the real cars had if you can make your model look authentic. Or is it a real one you're doing? There are a whole lot of you tube videos on different methods of faux woodgraining. , Ross.
  15. :D, Maybe the moose had a heavy landing too Ken. :lol: :lol: , Ross.
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