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About Finn

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  1. Here is another video of Fury flying around with a shape under the wing, starts at the 1:25 mark: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/81269 another one at the 4.58 mark in the video. Jari
  2. How about a FJ-4 with a practice MK-7 under the wing: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/81267 Jari
  3. Not the best but a rough idea where they went: Jari
  4. Here is a BRU on a F-111, note the distinctive hump at the top, elongated faring on the lower position and lack of sway braces: Jari
  5. Stiring up an old thread, here a F-111A in SEA with a full load of Mk-82s on MERs, note the sway braces and other features common to a MER: Jari
  6. It varies in length of the warhead and which fuze it has so some would stick out more than others. Examples can be found here: https://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app4/5in-rockets.html Jari
  7. For bomb loading on carriers it was mainly done by hand, for larger and other stores that couldn't be loaded by hand, hoists were used: above is the powered HLU-196B/E, earlier manual hoists were used. During the Vietnam War era, this was used: from the looks of it, the store on it's cart was loaded on to the larger cart and whole thing was jacked up to the bomb rack. Jari
  8. From a 1966 manual: later it got added to the stub pylons. Jari
  9. Here is the front IP: and the rear one: Jari
  10. Only the Mk2 had the wiring for weapon delivery so they could have been used if needed, the rest were trainers only. The first AIM-120 kill was made by a F-16D with an empty back seat. Jari
  11. Some conventional weapons were obtained during the mid 60's for the 104, so it is possible to have a silver CF-104D with them loaded, scroll down a bit: http://www.c-and-e-museum.org/Pinetreeline/metz/otherm1/otherm1-53.html Jari
  12. Prior to going green the CF-104D Mk2 would had a war time role of carrying a nuke on the c/l pylon, otherwise they had the MN-1A dispenser: Jari
  13. Nice body however the bottom has 41 tubes while the pod had 40, there is a bulkhead in the middle so there should be 2 sections of 20 tubes: Jari
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