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F-106 Delta Dart

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Well then...the Stuka´s done...time for something different then :D

I decided to get down to business with this old Monogram Delta Dart in a Revell box!


The box contains 5 sprues with pretty nicely moulded parts, almost no flash at all...



...of wich one was a clear sprue


And a nice little decal sheet, I haven´t decided wether I´ll use it or not yet tho.


It´ll be a pretty much OOB build maybe decals and no I´m not going to rescribe it.

The build will be overseen by this lil beauty.... pretty much a born superviser :/


As usual I begun with cleaning parts and mounting the on toothpics...


Then I primed everything in Alclad grey primer...


After that I shot a black preshade on the cockpit parts.


Well now that old bird is oficially underway!


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Nu får du upphöra* bygga, och umgås lite med barnen.. du ger oss andra dåligt samvete :-D

A Delta Dart, nice! Looks like a pretty detailed kit. The fact that it´s a monogram kit makes me think it´s quite old, am I right?

Maybe I should spend the evening in the "man cave" instead of in front of the computer so that I get some modelling done too..


*"snuskordsfiltret" plockade bort synonymen till "upphöra" som, jag hade skrivit först :-)

Edited by erik_g
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Nu får du upphöra* bygga, och umgås lite med barnen.. du ger oss andra dåligt samvete :-D

A Delta Dart, nice! Looks like a pretty detailed kit. The fact that it´s a monogram kit makes me think it´s quite old, am I right?

Maybe I should spend the evening in the "man cave" instead of in front of the computer so that I get some modelling done too..


*"snuskordsfiltret" plockade bort synonymen till "upphöra" som, jag hade skrivit först :-)

Heheh..she´s with me while building, there´s a reason why I got me an expensive new compressor and changed all my paints to acryllics...all just so we could build together and she really loves it in daddy´s hobby cave :D It does help that she´s stuck in a baby sitter tho.....

It´s a pretty old kit...how old I don´t know but at least from the 80´s if not even older....

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I love this old Monogram/ Revell kits, even they not as god as the new one and it´s a lot of work to do them fine.

I´m one step behind you follow your build.

And don´t let your supervisor take too much under pressure :D :D

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Eww, awesome, can't wait to watch you work your magic on this one. I rescribed my kit a few months ago, and it was quite a chore. It went back to the to-do pile for a later date, so I'll be taking notes on your build Janne. Don't think you can get anything past the inspector, so no shoddy work ya hear! w00t.gif


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The build is moving along nicely...

I´ve shot light gull grey on top of the black preshade on the cockpit parts...

The pit



The bang seat, gonna have to look up some refs for the detail painting tho..


Same for the side walls


and the IP


I also got some interior green on air brakes and what have you



Well the detail painting willl be fun but I really got to find me some refs :D


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The build will be overseen by this lil beauty.... pretty much a born superviser :/


Uh-oh... :unsure: Judgin' by that gaze, looks to me like he/she's the kinda person who won't let any detail escape his/her sight unnoticed... Guess me'd be a tad scared, Jay-Jay, bloke, y'know. :lol:

Cheers there,


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Be sure to have lots of fun with that horizontal seam running down the fuselage. I had to completely rescribe mine due to the huge amount of filling and sanding to get rid of it.

Also, I noticed, this kit might be out of your comfort zone. All of the kits I have seen you build, they fit pretty well.


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Be sure to have lots of fun with that horizontal seam running down the fuselage. I had to completely rescribe mine due to the huge amount of filling and sanding to get rid of it.

Also, I noticed, this kit might be out of your comfort zone. All of the kits I have seen you build, they fit pretty well.


Heh, looking forward to it :D

Tho I´ve built one or two short series kits in my days so some puttying won´t scare me off easily

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This will be awesome! The Revell/Monogram Century Series are my all-time favourites; I don't understand why there are so many concerns over fit. Maybe because they've been around a while, so if you catch an older one the parts could have distorted? I can only report that the RM F-105G that I backdated to an F pretty much built itself, whilst I always get into fights with modern Japanese products... :bandhead2:

I'll be following this with much interest, Sir!

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I am working on this kit at the moment, and it really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. If you line up the parts carefully enough, you only need some CA to fill in some small gaps. The only part I used putty, is ont the intakes - poor fit there. One thing I will say that will make it easier, is to cut off the flaps. Otherwise, the seam on the rear end is impossible to fill.


-Doug :)

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I am working on this kit at the moment, and it really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. If you line up the parts carefully enough, you only need some CA to fill in some small gaps. The only part I used putty, is ont the intakes - poor fit there. One thing I will say that will make it easier, is to cut off the flaps. Otherwise, the seam on the rear end is impossible to fill.


-Doug :)

Thanx for the hints Doug :D

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The wee one allowed me some build time :P

More like painting time tho..

Started on the cockpit today.

First off was the bang seat, which I enhanced a bit with copper wire


A few splashes of paint later it looked like this...




and the pit and the IP got some black on as well.



Doesn´t look like much to the world yet but some washes and drybrushing will make the details show :D


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