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Hello to you all,

You are probably thinking, oooh no not another Su :crying:

But some people convinced me to begin my own thread :D (after some unlucky pictures i posted).

My name is: Henry de Lange 45 years old from the Netherlands, filling my spare time with Lockon,Flaming cliffs, and of course modelling, planes tanks etc. Also like to mountainbike (there are no mountains in Holland :rofl: )

Nickname is Wasserfall which i use in other Forums.

I must say that the skill of you all is very high, but i like to post some pictures and progress of my work.

Not having that much time so progress will be slow, but i try to post reguarly.

To start you need a workspace that is well organized and cleaned up,

so i'll show you how that looks ;)

Greetz to you all

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You are probably thinking, oooh no not another Su :rofl:

Hi Wasserfall :D

I personally can't get enough Flanker builds, the more the merrier. I learn bits from everybody.

Good to see you in your own thread.. ;)

Nice cockpit so far and I like the improvements you've made to the intakes.

Keep up the good work.


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Cool, another Flanker build!

Welcome aboard Henry :soapbox:

Yeah, those intakes are a pain in the @$$...Yours are a definite improvement to the kit :woot.gif:

What markings are you going to do? I'm still undecided, but leaning towards an Arctic bird with a white nose and green tail panels...

Can't wait to see more of your build!

Chris :worship:

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Thank you all for your warm welcome :wave:

Hope i can learn lots of tips en tricks in this forum,

and if you have some good ideas to improve my skills please let me know.

at this moment i don't know which version i am going to make, but i love the Ukranian bird and i hope Linden Hill is going to make some new decals for this one :thumbsup:

Guess i have to order Zactomans beautifull canopy and nose cone, if this will come available :D

In the attached pictures you see the almost finished cockpit, but still have to do the seat and some modifying on the launch rail



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defo do the Ukraininan bird :D

good luck mate,

the cockpit looks amazing!

what do you use to paint all that detail inside the dials?

stav :thumbsup:

Yes, do an Ukrainian bird!!!

And please tell us how you painted your cp. It realy looks like scale 1:1 :wave:

This is going to be a beauty !!!!!

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Wow, don,t give me that much credit :D i still have lot to learn if i look at the other

Flanker builds in this forum!!

As for the cockpit, i mixed some lightgray, gray and bleu and compared this with colorpictures and than sprayed the entire cockpit (Blackbox resinkit).

For the dials and switches i looked at Lockon Flightsim, and of course pictures.

Revell, Modell Master and Humbrol paint is being used.

The instrumentpanel has very nice detail and is very hard to paint by hand, i first painted the clockwork darkgrey/black and when this was dryed up i used a very tiny Brush with only one hair left!!

and of course a magnifying lamp, i keep looking at the pictures and colors of the instrument dials, when all was painted i used a wash of dark gray water solublepaint and wiped of the residu with earcleaningsticks(don't know if this is a good translation in English :D )

The white lines on the instrumentpanel are decals, which was very frustrating work but in the end it looked good for me :wave:

This is wat i used and of course a lot of patience.

Now i like to have a cold :thumbsup:

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Great work on the cockpit tub Wasserfall. . :(

Very fine painting, you must have worked hard on that to get such a good result.

It's so good to see everybodys big Flankers shaping up.

Lookin' forward to your next post....... :wave:

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May I ask......how did you flatten the bottom of the intakes? This interests me.


When i looked at the intakes the first time i was wondering how to correct them,

soon it was obvious to me that the complete intake was flat at the bottom right from the intake to the end of the engine nacelles.

That would meen a complete rebuild, but i lack that much expierince, and some good measerements.

So i decided to correct only the curved parts.

Just taped a strait line on it and sanded it till it was completely flat, but the inside gets very thin(in fact to thin had to fill it up again) :worship:

Poured some boiling water on the louvres at the underside wilst keeping them flat to correct them.

But i had to use alot of superglue gell to fill things up and after some sculpting and polishing, and of course new panellines, it looked satisfacting to me.

At the inside i used some strip styrene and the kit parts for the intake doors.



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I like the strip styrene in the intake Wasserfall, I plan to try something similar. :thumbsup:

If you can, take a look at the products from Zactomodels.

Zactoman has already produced a corrected nosecone and almost has a canopy correction set available. He's even planning to correct the intakes too.... :wave:

Maybe a bit late for your build but the other stuff is highest quality. As soon as I get that far I'll be including pics as I am using Zactomodels setys on my bird.

Keep up the great work and if it's any consolation, I think you are building faster than me :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

My build is going slowly, but did some paintwork on the bangseat

still have to ad some details, weathering and washes but so far i am satisfied.

Amazing how fast the time is going past, for me it looked no more than 1 or 2 hours paintwork, but it realy took up half of the day B)

Maybe i am going to wait for Zactomans intakes, mine looks reasonable but there is still that nasty dip

Happy modeling


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