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What did you see today?

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Thanks for the VFA-201 pics!!! (Do you have more you can email me?). Wonder if those birds were heading someplace else since the Squadron is being disestablished. Heard from the unit that they have sent out about half their aircraft. Sorry to see them go.

201's being disestablished? What'll the Navy fly from Carswell, then? I guess it'll just be Marines and Air Force Reserves...and less jet noise. Does this mean it'll be renamed with another acronym? MCAS JRB Ft Worth instead of NAS JRB?


Anyway, I got to see a lovely pair of grey Whiskey Cobras flying low over Plano as I was bringing my son home from his doctor's appointment.

Edited by BAM'n'IVM
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201's being disestablished? What'll the Navy fly from Carswell, then? I guess it'll just be Marines and Air Force Reserves...and less jet noise. Does this mean it'll be renamed with another acronym? MCAS JRB Ft Worth instead of NAS JRB?


Anyway, I got to see a lovely pair of grey Whiskey Cobras flying low over Plano as I was bringing my son home from his doctor's appointment.

I think they are going away in March. As for the base who knows. Plano eh??? You were within a mile or two of the homestead.

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I think a good daily topic should be "What Did You See Today?" where everyone who sees a cool military aircraft put a posting here,just for fun,so someone who sees a few A-10's flying over can make others like myself who didn't see them jealouse. Just a thought, if it threads fine, if not,oh well.

I did see a C-5 Galaxy flying east to west over lower Michigan at 1pm. It was way up there, but it's hard to miss a C-5!

OK. Not an airplane, but I did see a drop dead gorgeous blonde at the post office. I was really digging her in my own quiet way, as I'm sure all the other men were doing the same, until she bent over, and a damn stupid tatoo showed it's ugly face. Yuck! Why oh why do they put those damn things above their ***?

Sheesh. Anyway I did see some pretty contrails from some high flying heavies in the late afternoon sun.

David O.

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only just noticed this thread,

I see endless hercs and tornados,

but a about three 3-5 weeks ago (obviously not today!) i saw an F-14 and a BA Hawk fly in tandem over my local.

F-14 eh? Drinking too much for xmas? :D

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Plano eh??? You were within a mile or two of the homestead.

Yeah, we live in the armpit of the tollway and the Bush turnpike. Right under one of the approaches to Addison Airport.

What about you?

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Went down to Pensacola with my wife and her parents today. On the way, we passed good ol' Florala Airport (where I've flown into numerous times). Well, sitting by the FBO was this lovely HH-60J, so we pulled over to take a picture of it. Unfortunately I was shooting directly into the sun. Had to tweak the image a bit with photoshop in order to get it to show up well....



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Just got buzzed by a CC-130E(?) taking off from Waterloo Wellington IA. Flew over my house then did a steep bank to the south east. Prob headed over to Tony's place in Hammertown or headed home to Trenton.

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Just got buzzed by a CC-130E(?) taking off from Waterloo Wellington IA. Flew over my house then did a steep bank to the south east. Prob headed over to Tony's place in Hammertown or headed home to Trenton.

That's funny,thought I heard something but was too lazy to go look! :bandhead2:


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Today I saw a C-5B, two T-38s a Blackhawk, and a RAH-66 on the back of a truck!!!!!

I was driveing to work and heading north on I-65 in Alabama (between Hartselle and Decture, for those that know the area) and most days there is nothing to see. I assume the C-5 was doing touch and goes out of Huntsville Internatinal, I see those time to time. The T-38s probley where from Culmbus AFB and doing cross country training and also heading to Huntville. The RAH-66 I'm hopeing will be going to the musiem at FT Rucker and But the blackhawk, I don't know, I saw it hovering over the south boarder of Red Stone, and it just stayed ther for the 10 minutes it was in view. kinda odd really.


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2 very low flying CH-146 Griffens, flying south to north right over me haus around 15:00.

Wifester says that they were also flying north to south about an hour earlier. Guessing 400 squadron out of Borden?

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Been a busy couple of days. Yesterday Tony Blair was flown in onboard a Merlin - lovely touchdown in 30mph winds, gusting 42mph.

Today a Puma came in with a smashed up lower front right window following a birdstrike. Firemen out in force but all OK. And an RAF Chinook came in and landed right outside the office, did it's best to blow me over. Man they are beasts!



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Whoa... just saw a C-17 cruise along San Francisco's Ocean Beach and then turn eastward above the city... my guess is that it's heading back towards Travis AFB.

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