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F-5A Hellenic Air Force ( PM Model - 1/72 )

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Hi guys !

This is going to be my first challenge for next year in modeling and only in one scale - 1/72, hoping that I'll finish every single kit in next period of the year... just can't start some kit, work on it for a while and stop... ( well, MiG-15 and F-84F will wait... :rolleyes: )

Most of you had an opportunity to have one of those old ESCI/Italeri F-5A's, I just saw it on store shelf when I was a kid. Nowadays I can't find it even online... I really hope that Trumpeter/HobbyBoss will release new kits, the last case scenario will be buying a new Wolfpack (... old ESCI... ?! )

Once in a while, I love to be masochist, doing simple and ruff kits, like this one for example - scratch-building and scribing panel lines, that's what i love to do ! :woot.gif: Kopro/KP kits are not good, but this is more like a chump ! Only aftermarket thing here will be an ejection seat and decals. There is no such a thing as a cockpit in this box, only two "pipes", holding the seat, which looks like two wooden boards glued together... there is nothing I can do - just make a cockpit ! I mean, how hard can it be... :sign_spam:

Greek aircrafts - I love them ! Choosing between camouflaged version, "Aegean blue" and NMF was not an easy job for me, 'cause they are all great - want to have them all ! I realized that this kit is not going to be like Tamiya/Hasegawa, so I decided to be "Aegean blue" - it's also a great painting and tehnique practice !

This is how it looks now...

See you soon !











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  • 6 months later...

I was going to comment about how much I liked your new cockpit, but then I saw the panel lines. Brilliant job! I get the feeling you're having fun with this.

Thanks ! Of course, I have great time doing this kit ! :cheers:

And now, the cockpit... not finished, still a lot details to do...








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Wow. What a fantastic job! Building a PM model is one of my fantasy dreams. I gave their F-16 a try but gave up and dumped it before I even glued two pieces together. I commend you for your courage and the fabulous job you've done so far.

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Impressive :worship:/>

Could you please explain how you make those small dial gages on the instrument panel?

Thanks ! Of course, but posting pictures would be better idea and easier to understand. Words for now but I'll post pictures next time, and until now - Scratching switches for instrument panel and cockpit ( also can be used for rivets, some areas, exterior, etc. ) is easy and not that complicated as it maybe seems. For this, You'll need two things - candle/lighter and a piece of sprue from the kit. Put the sprue above the flame and make sure for the right distance ( around 1 cm ). Plastic will give even heat on the area and it requires consistency in spinning for around 6-9 seconds. When heated area reaches "glossy" stage, put away from the flame source and stretch it but not right away. The longer you wait, the diameter of sprue will be bigger. When you did that, cut the lenght that you want and cut as close as possible to the edge of the sprue. Make sure your knife is set 90 degrees, relative to the sprue. Practice will make it better each time. I hope that this will help you... ! :cheers:

Wow. What a fantastic job! Building a PM model is one of my fantasy dreams. I gave their F-16 a try but gave up and dumped it before I even glued two pieces together. I commend you for your courage and the fabulous job you've done so far.

Thank you very much ! I hope I'm giving you the motivation to finish that F-16 ! Piece by piece and you'll finish it ! :cheers:

Cockpit is almost finished...






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Thanks ! Of course, but posting pictures would be better idea and easier to understand. Words for now but I'll post pictures next time, and until now - Scratching switches for instrument panel and cockpit ( also can be used for rivets, some areas, exterior, etc. ) is easy and not that complicated as it maybe seems. For this, You'll need two things - candle/lighter and a piece of sprue from the kit. Put the sprue above the flame and make sure for the right distance ( around 1 cm ). Plastic will give even heat on the area and it requires consistency in spinning for around 6-9 seconds. When heated area reaches "glossy" stage, put away from the flame source and stretch it but not right away. The longer you wait, the diameter of sprue will be bigger. When you did that, cut the lenght that you want and cut as close as possible to the edge of the sprue. Make sure your knife is set 90 degrees, relative to the sprue. Practice will make it better each time. I hope that this will help you... ! :cheers:/>

Thank you very much ! I hope I'm giving you the motivation to finish that F-16 ! Piece by piece and you'll finish it ! :cheers:/>

Cockpit is almost finished...






I like it,I like it,I like it!!!!


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