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About HaroldK

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  • Location
    Surrey BC, Canada

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  1. Hi, If you have built the 1/72 Italeri F-5 Freedom Fighter kit #1441 and have the leftover decals for the Canadian, Vietnamese and Venezuelan versions surplus, I would be interested in buying them. Here is a photo of the kit box: Thanks, Harold Canada
  2. Hi, You can find one here. https://westcoasthobbys.com/product/sh48110-heinkel-115-b Cheers, Harold
  3. Hello, As the title states, I am after the aftermarket Wolfpack Design resin ELTA 8222 pod in 1/72 scale. link: http://www.wolfpack-d.com/catalog/htm/wp72068.html Many thanks, Harold
  4. Very nice build and finish. I have one in mind to do and hopefully i can make it look half as good as yours. Cheers, Harold
  5. Hi Matt, I am putting another decal order together to get printed up. Are you still interested in 3 X 48-01 and 3 x 48-02? Please let me know soon as I want to put the order in. Thanks, Harold
  6. Hi Dutch, I am going to put an order in shortly. Let me know if you want in. Cheers, Harold
  7. Hi Dutch, I don't have that option at this time. But I will look into it as an option with the printer. Thanks, Harold
  8. Hello, It seems of late I have had a few inquiries about the decal sheet I produced. If interested, I am going to do another run of these decals but I only order from the printer what I have demand for. In other words if you are interested, let me know so I can add you to the order going to the printer as I do not carry surplus stock in hand. Cheers, Harold
  9. Hi, As the title says, I am after either of the releases of the Sword T-38 Talon in 1/72 scale. Thanks, Harold
  10. Hi Gunny, There is one up for auction on Facebook page called Scale Model Graveyard. Here is the link if you have a Facebook account. https://www.facebook.com/groups/258721994328056/search/?q=skyhawk Cheers, Harold Vancouver, Canada
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