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About falcon91352

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 06/27/1965

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  • Location
    Mehring, Germany
  • Interests
    jets and helos 1:48 and 1:32

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  1. Hello You might contact FFSMC https://ffsmc-productions.fr/de/ He did some really good custom decals for my future 1:32 Mirage 2000D project. Good luck!
  2. I am not anything like a Harrier expert and would like to know, if an Italian Marina AV-8B can be built from this kit without modifying the LERX or other things.
  3. Thank you Gabor for these nice pictures and informations. Where can this restored bare metal MiG-21MF be admired? Is it displayed in a Hungarian museum? Concerning Russian combat aircraft, I must say, that these rivets also can be seen on most types with camo paints on them. Shortly after the fall of the iron curtain, I have visited may bases of former Warsaw Pact air arms and one of my first impression was, that the rivet structure was easily visible on the airplanes, especially when the paint was somewhat worn and reflections from the light occured. Rivet structures o
  4. While browsing through the competition results by Mosonshow 2024, I wonder why only two models have won in the M-13 category (Jets, ready to fly 1:48 and bigger). In this class, it was quite normal at Mosonshows of the past, that more models have won Gold, Silver or Bronze. Were the numbers of in this class limited, or was it the lower quality level of entries this time? BTW, on the photographs it is shown, that Yufei Mao´s Su-27P is a superb model without doubt and has won the Gold Medal well deserved!
  5. PK productions again released an excellent aftermarket decal set for now historic USAFE aircraft, which are overlooked by quality decal producers, literally.
  6. For the correct placement of the decals, the full-color instructions are showing side views of each individual aircraft, some with hints for addidional aftermarket products for correct detailing of the model.
  7. The difference of the tailcodes can be seen here with the BT. PK Productions has carefully researched, which style was worn by an individual F-4. Thias detail often is overlooked by kit decals and aftermarket ones as well.
  8. Research by PK Productions was thoroughly done, which not only can be noted by the different styles of tail codes and tail numbers on the sheet, which were common in this timeframe.
  9. The sheet is printed by Cartograph to the highest standard and Pascal Klasen did all the design work supported by a couple of individuals with photographs and original slide scans.
  10. Hello Yesterday, I picked up the newest aftermarket decals 48-008 USAFE F-4Ds and -Es from PK Prioductions and it is a very nice set! All in all options for 22 USAFE Phantoms are included, the most are depicting markings from the 70´s. Eight F-4D and ten F-4E from this period are represented, as well as four F-4E from the early 80´s, one of the 52nd TFW options is camouflaged in the SEA wrap arround scheme with a short lived NATASCHA lettering on the left intake.
  11. Yes, I know Mr. Jares quite well, who itself was a technician on the Mi-17 at Hradec-Kralove long, long ago. At Mosonshow 2023 I bought the Annetra Mi-17 in a combo box with some goodies and Slovak AF decals. I am still hoping, that Eduard sometimes will release some rivet decals for this kit as they did for the Mi-24 and Su-25K kits. Normally, I am going to the Mosonshow with my young modelling friend Pascal https://www.facebook.com/pkproductionsmodels/, but this time we were both not blessed with luck just prior to the show. In my case, it has to do with a slight cold and stress
  12. Thank you very much, Gabor! I am very pleased for your informations about this exceptional modelling event, which I have missed this year, unfortunately. Since 2015, I normally attend any Mosonshow, but this year a health issue prevented me from driving the 1000km distance (one way). All the pictures of your topic and all thise reports elsewhere are showing the very high standard of the models and the large crowd from all over the world, who celebrate this modelling festival with its enthusiastic spirit. These K36 seats are looking very tasty! Hopefully, it is possible
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