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About johncrow

  • Rank
    Rivet Counter

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  • Location
    Michigan, USA

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  1. Like many I built when I was younger, then after a years-long layoff got back into the hobby somewhere around 2000-2001. At that time, I'd build one, possibly two models at a time and would not start something new until a project was finished. But in the last decade or so....that all flew out the window. Now, I have around 15-20 kits started...with more getting started all the time. I really enjoy the researching and starting of a new project, and the feeling of finishing a kit is pretty cool. It's the part in the middle that most times bogs me down. At first, this all kind of bot
  2. Very odd Ed... the system won't let me send you PMs, and it's submitting an old post when I try a new post. Also...I was not very clear with my email address...I should've said 'leave off the asterisk'....my apologies. Or, you could try PMing me here. Here's hoping this posts...! jp
  3. Great, would you mind emailing me at *jdpeters1986 att yahoo please? John
  4. Great, would you mind emailing me at *jdpeters1986 att yahoo please? John
  5. Hi Ed PMs are getting bounced. Is this still available? If so, I'd like to pick it up from you. Thanks, John
  6. Still looking for the resin parts, or the complete set. Thanks, John
  7. The math and my wife both say no. I also say no. But then I quickly say something mealy-mouthed like "It's not about FINISHING, it's about BUILDING..." After that I tell her that the unbuilt stash will pay for a funeral and a chunk of a new car. And back to wedded bliss.
  8. I want to build a 1/72 F-111 for a retiring friend. He was in the 27th TFW in the 70's, so I'd like to do a jet from Cannon AFB. I'd take the entire sheet of someone had one for sale, or even just the wing/base emblems for the Cannon jet off this sheet. Thanks, John
  9. "they want to make people dependant from government, so that any of you opposing party's line will be derived of social funds" I do not think it means what you think it means -Apologies to Inigo Montoya Getting back on track, I've been vaxxed for COVID since April. No ill effects. I'm proud to be part of the solution, and helping to keep my community safer.
  10. Leading Edge once offered a set of 1/72 RCAF C-119G decals that came with a couple of resin pieces to make the radar nose for the C-119. I'm really after those resin pieces, but will buy the whole shebang (decals and resin) off anybody who has them for sale. Please let me know if you have this set or resin parts for sale. Thanks, John
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