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Modifications of Polish MiGs:


- AN/ARN-153 (TCN 500) TACAN

- Trimble 2101AP GPS receiver

- Thompson-CSF SB-14 radar warning receiver

- Radwar SC-10 Suprasl IFF

- Unimor-Radiocom RS 6113-2 VHF/UHF radio with new R-862 control panel

During technical flight planes sometimes don't have pylons. This is not required.

[1600 pix]


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Hey man,

Have you checked out Hi-Decal MiG 29A/B/G Fulcrum (Prod # 48-013)?

They were not half bad when I used them, back in the day.


These were for a build I did back like 7 years ago. More here.


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MiGs in attendance yesterday at Pardubice, Czech Republic (5.6.2010)

Hungarian machine with special 70th anniversary of Hungarian air force markings:



I love the topside mottle on this one. It looks a bit like it should be on a Ta-154 or something else German from long ago.

Keep sharing your photos - they're a great treat for those of us far from Europe! :thumbsup:

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The Hungarian Fulcrum has a full sized Reggiane RE.2000 painted on it's topside in much the same way the Belgians painted a full scale Spitfire on the back of one of their F-16s years ago. As you can see, the Fulcrum's camo echoes the old Italian mottle scheme.

Here's a photo I found on the net of the Hungarian Fulcrum's top. (As it's not my photo, if the mods wish to reduce it to a link I understand completely)


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The Hungarian Fulcrum has a full sized Reggiane RE.2000 painted on it's topside in much the same way the Belgians painted a full scale Spitfire on the back of one of their F-16s years ago. As you can see, the Fulcrum's camo echoes the old Italian mottle scheme.

Here's a photo I found on the net of the Hungarian Fulcrum's top. (As it's not my photo, if the mods wish to reduce it to a link I understand completely)


WOOOhoooo....I have never seen this scheme before...WOW !!! its just mind numbing !!!

Thanks Kevan...

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