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Trumpeter's Tu-22M2

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Hannants has the kit listed in future releases for 80 GBP. I did not expect it to be cheap but not that much either.

It looks like Hannants or some other British vendor could be the cheapest route to get the kit - thanks to low value of pound. For instance HLJ and Hobby Search quote prices of about 110 and 100 euros, respectively, whereas that £80 would make about 87 euros. I still haven't found out how much the local stores here will charge, but I would expect it to be something between the 99 euros of Tu-160 and 79 euros of Tu-95. Hmm... Which doesn't sound that bad anymore when you think about our general price level.

About the kit. I don't like those seats. They just don't resemble the ones seen on a real Tu-22M.

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It looks like Hannants or some other British vendor could be the cheapest route to get the kit - thanks to low value of pound. For instance HLJ and Hobby Search quote prices of about 110 and 100 euros, respectively, whereas that £80 would make about 87 euros. I still haven't found out how much the local stores here will charge, but I would expect it to be something between the 99 euros of Tu-160 and 79 euros of Tu-95. Hmm... Which doesn't sound that bad anymore when you think about our general price level.

About the kit. I don't like those seats. They just don't resemble the ones seen on a real Tu-22M.

HLJ lists it as an April release....

In the last year or so I haven't spent a single hour on my workbench... (it's right behind me covered in dust... just had too many things rumbling in my head...) but when the Tu-22m2 comes out.. who knows

Edited by Yuri
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HLJ lists it as an April release....

In the last year or so I haven't spent a single hour on my workbench... (it's right behind me covered in dust... just had too many things rumbling in my head...) but when the Tu-22m2 comes out.. who knows

I agree, it's one of those 'drop everything to make it' kind of kits that occasionally get released......

Sadly that 'must do it now' feeling is getting less and less these days - I must be getting jaded with old age I think.... :worship:

Now, if the promised ICM or Trumpeter Flankers were to make an appearance................ :lol:


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It looks like Hannants or some other British vendor could be the cheapest route to get the kit - thanks to low value of pound.

Keep in mind that Hannants and others will have to import the kit so I don't think it should be any cheaper. If it is I could be tempted to support British economy even though I only want the M3. I have that age old ESCI kit (in Italeri box) started but it starts to look like it would be easier to make an M3 out of Trumpeter M2 than ESCI M3.

About the kit. I don't like those seats. They just don't resemble the ones seen on a real Tu-22M.

If you mean the CAD images, yeah, you are right. But let us wait for the kit before condemning Trumpeter to eternal damnation for ruining the KT-1s. :-)

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About the kit. I don't like those seats. They just don't resemble the ones seen on a real Tu-22M.

Well... they're better than K-36's. :wub: :wub:

No, they're not right (looks like they're kinda-sorta based on the KM-1?), but they *may* be workable. Bit of re-shaping on the head cushion would do a lot. A little judicious filing on the seat sides would do more. Barring that... Pavla (and NeOmega?) do KS-3/4 seats that would be a little closer (still wrong, but more detailed and visually nearer to the KT-1). And someone might do some resin KT-1 seats proper.

But as I said, it *is* an improvement just having something other than K-36's in there.

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Well... they're better than K-36's. :wub: :wub:

No, they're not right (looks like they're kinda-sorta based on the KM-1?), but they *may* be workable. Bit of re-shaping on the head cushion would do a lot. A little judicious filing on the seat sides would do more. Barring that... Pavla (and NeOmega?) do KS-3/4 seats that would be a little closer (still wrong, but more detailed and visually nearer to the KT-1). And someone might do some resin KT-1 seats proper.

But as I said, it *is* an improvement just having something other than K-36's in there.

KM-1 was my exact thought too when I first saw them. K-36's a lá Tu-16 would have been the worst nightmare. But you're right, little scratch-building can't hurt any modeler. :)

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Btw, looking at the sprue shots on the Trumpeter site (one is wrong, unless they installed a german tank turret on the Backfire) seems they also supplied the rotary launcher and the AS-16 Kickback. Useless for an M2 but could be quite interesting for a Tu-95 or 160

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  • 2 weeks later...
And I still can't say whether I should get this or wait for the future M3... I must say I'm pretty tempted though!

I wouldn't be surprised if it takes more than 6 months before the M3 is out. I have plenty to build in meantime, but still....I am tempted. Very.

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Uhm... looking at the instructions sheet, someone at Trumpeter must have been drunk...

Apart from the fact that it makes no sense to add the front undercarriace leg so early, they want you to put:

- A full load of kh-15 in the bomb bay (that the Tu-22m2 couldn't carry)

- 2 Kh-22 under the wings (and without folding the fin it would scrape the ground)

- Bombs on Mers under the intakes...

What about the possible range of a Backfire with such a load? 15km? :deadhorse1:

Ok, nothing impossibile to fix with some basic references... but think we are going to see a lot of "wrong" Backfires at the next model shows...

Also... considering the cost of the kit they should have provided a spare set of wings... so you wouldn't have to glue all the pieces in place (flaps up, spoilers down) just to fold the wings like on a normal parked backfire...

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Uhm... looking at the instructions sheet, someone at Trumpeter must have been drunk...

Apart from the fact that it makes no sense to add the front undercarriace leg so early, they want you to put:

- A full load of kh-15 in the bomb bay (that the Tu-22m2 couldn't carry)

- 2 Kh-22 under the wings (and without folding the fin it would scrape the ground)

- Bombs on Mers under the intakes...

What about the possible range of a Backfire with such a load? 15km? :deadhorse1:

Ok, nothing impossibile to fix with some basic references... but think we are going to see a lot of "wrong" Backfires at the next model shows...

Also... considering the cost of the kit they should have provided a spare set of wings... so you wouldn't have to glue all the pieces in place (flaps up, spoilers down) just to fold the wings like on a normal parked backfire...

Well, given Trumpeter's track record with slack research, I wouldn't say that was their biggest sin. :-)


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I dunno, I really don't see that as an issue. For the 'casual' modeller who doesn't know/care, they'll probably want all the ordnance anyway, and even if it weren't in the instructions, they'd be loading it on the model.

For the fanatic who does know it's not accurate... you're getting a bunch of Kh-15s, Kh-22s, bombs and MERs to use on other projects. That's easily $50 in Amodel missile sets, 'free' with your Tu-22. So... what's the 'problem' again?

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Since the kit has been released,I guess it's time to release your excellent "home work research results"? :rolleyes:



Wouldn't want to miss that!

Any rumours on the possible aftermarket stuff..? I would gladly see a set of resin seats (Pavla, Quickboost?) and some PE parts. I know PART has photo etch parts for ESCI/Italeri Backfire, but whether they work well enough on the Trumpy kit remains to be seen. Oh, and that ugly windscreen would need a replacement as well.

Modelers. You can never please them. :shoot:

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Since the kit has been released,I guess it's time to release your excellent "home work research results"? :)



Well I would if I had the plastic in front of me. :) ;)

Aftermarket... I'd almost be surprised if nobody released new seats for the kit, since they're pretty visible what with the opening openings and all. Haven't heard anything mind you, just that it seems reasonably logical (plus they'd work on the Blinder, too). PART's parts? I've got it, *was* using it (anyone want to buy a half-converted Esci kit? :(), but honestly, a big, big chunk of the set is really geared more to the Esci kit than Trumpeter's. You won't need the layered PE cockpit doors (which have to be shaped... there's where mine stalled). Trumpeter's cockpit is *probably* better than PART's entirely PE affair. The blow in door panels aren't needed. The Kitchen(s) already have the right number of wings. Etc. etc. I suspect that, if you can get one cheap there's a few pieces that will come in handy, but it's probably not going to be very useful. Now if they did another sheet dedicated more to the Trumpeter kit, *that* might be good.

Windscreen... seems doable. Depends a little on how they tooled the framing (thick and raised, or flat and scribed, etc), but theoretically, just filling the kit framing and re-scribing the proper framing *should* get you pretty close. Maybe not 100% accurate, but reasonable. The shape of the actual plastic piece isn't actually that far out of whack, just the shape of the glass 'panels' on it, so it's ultimately more of a panel line issue than a shape one (if it were solid plastic, it'd be easy to fill and re-scribe, but obviously the fact that it's clear makes that much harder). Again, I'd be surprised if this wasn't addressed by the aftermarket, but we shall see what we shall see...

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What a great thread!!! MoFo your postings have all been printed and will be going into the box once mine arrives!! Did someone say this kit is out now?? Happy early (or is it late) birthday to me if it is!!

Now who was calling for aftermarket parts? :wave:

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What a great thread!!! MoFo your postings have all been printed and will be going into the box once mine arrives!! Did someone say this kit is out now?? Happy early (or is it late) birthday to me if it is!!

Now who was calling for aftermarket parts? :cheers:

Me, me , me!

Sir, would you really provide us some resin goodies..? :D

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