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About UH-1Mad

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    QLD, Austraila

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  1. I hope ICM is listening - we need a decent 1/35 Huey series!!
  2. agreed.. They are advertising a UH-1B 'gunship' next but the box art is a D/H. Will be interesting to see what it turns out to be. My guess another B model with gunship weapons and still no D/H hits the market. I was hoping ICM would have done a D/H by now..
  3. no - this is a new tool from the KittyHawk moulds
  4. About to drop; While I can see some issues in these test shots (skid arms/ canopy fit / frustratingly recessed rivets..) overall it looks promising. Hopefully a D/H is next! http://www.trumpeter-china.com/index.php?g=home&m=product&a=show&id=4020&l=en
  5. Still baffles me there is no decent UH-1D/H in 1/35 so that is still my vote
  6. hopefully soon though. KittyHawk's next release before they folded helo-wise was going to be the B model if I remember correctly so this is in line with that timeline. KH kept saying the D/H was coming so let's hope Trumpeter have the designs/cads etc and are all over it. Hopefully at least aware of the demand for it. trying to stay positive haha
  7. You might as well print out a new windshield/nose for that kit! The butchered nose makes the kit unbuildable for me..
  8. I know right... An accurate D/H in this scale seems further away than ever now
  9. I'm sure even you could make the heat shielding look great if you do go down that road. beautiful work as always
  10. that actually hurts my eyes.. the future is here, and it ain't pretty.. 😛
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