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About Da SWO

  • Rank
    Full Blown Model Geek

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  • Location
    San Antonio, Texas

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  1. How different externally is the CV from the MV-22?
  2. I'd jump on this for two sets.
  3. Great idea. Make them for the Zvezda kit. I would add an EC-130 COMMANDO SOLO conversion kit.
  4. Same for me. I get "unable to connect with server ".
  5. My SW experience was hit or miss. Searching rarely gave me what I wanted, I have a couple of vendors I'll still use, but I hope SW 2.0 will be better.
  6. Didn't the Navy shoot a satellite down with the SM-6?
  7. Range, 200+ miles per one article. AWACS killer.
  8. 260 is behind schedule. 260 is sized for the F-22/35 internal weapons bay. This is a massive weapon.
  9. That's a T2, MC-130H. https://www.c-130.net/aircraft-database/C-130/airframe-profile/7694/
  10. Do you have a list of products Ican see?
  11. Added Accurate Miniature Decals AIMS Decal sheet Custom Aeronautical Miniatures sheet Eagle Cals Eagle Strike Lifelike Decals Ministry of Small Aircraft Production Model Alliance Model Decals Three Guts Replicas Thundercals Zotz I have another box to go through, and will add more decal sheets as I find them
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