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About Fiddler

  • Rank
    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 10/16/1981

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    Hechtel, Belgium... near Kleine Brogel Air Base

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  1. No idea about your question, However if it's a rebox from another brand, it better be Revell. So I'll wait with you for someone who does know 😉
  2. Sorry to hijack the question a bit, But are these photos post or pre-retirement/scrapping? The last one seems pre-scrapping or could offcourse also be pre-reactivating...
  3. There's the Revell kit, which is released as A/B/C/D variants. The C-boxings released were also -50s, however spare parts included could get you a -30/32 with swapping MLG stuff and/or intake/exhaust. A block-40/42 is possible too if you find yourself another HUD.
  4. It was only the MiG-29OVT which was equiped with 360° trust vectoring engines. Iirc the exhausts could get an egg-shaped form when shut down
  5. The Su-27 from hasegawa would probably be the easiest from within your stash. I had the same idea and while being on the backburner now, I have the Zvezda (Revell repop) backdated to a Su-30KI. Scratching an ifr-probe on the nose, centering the offset target-tracking device and using some hasegawa spare parts (wrecked kit). However, I guess the SKM could be built (only ifr-probe) with minimal conversion from this kit.
  6. For what it's worth, Some of the earlier sheets i have from Begemot tend to yellow even though I stored them dark and dry. Begemot has reprinted them since, which seem to be in superior quality compared to their old prints. So it might be worth buying them new. Unless your sheet is still in pristine condition offcourse. Have fun and share the results! What kit are you going to use?
  7. I know that Begemot produces a demo Flanker sheet where the Su-27SKM is featured. It is nearly the same paintscheme, only the front fuselage, in which the KI is completely grey, the SKM has additional white and black camouflage. The SKM iirc was seen as the prototype for the 27SM upgrades. http://begemotdecals.ru/showpos.php?lang=2&id=45 While linking the sheet, i noticed that seemingly the 30KI is also part of the options! Two flies in one strike 😉 Greetings!
  8. The 0833 kit which I have, being the grey dragon boxing neither has the bay included... Maybe through 1999.co.jp which has much sprue shots/parts diagrams in their photo's of the kits...
  9. Wow Bryan, what a nice picture! I guess this is in the 70s? With the T-38A in the back. What strikes me is how that Polish roundel got stuck on that Hog Sabre. Thanks for sharing!
  10. To come back to the canopy issue, The Special Hobby F-86L (long wing) has 2 vacform canopies. Anyone know if the spare could be used for the 86H? Thanks in advance!
  11. I have the Fujimi F-40 kit, but please mind I have next to nil knowledge on this matter. In this kit the manual says the droptanks are also 200 Gal. However the shape between my SH H and Fujimi's is nowhere similar. Are they usable too for the H (with the idea that they are shapewise correct?) or only for earlier versions?
  12. It has something to do with the artwork rights of the paintjob, as far as I heard...
  13. They are frequently using mixed loads. For example when Ops Unified Protector was in full swing, the 77FS F-16Cs out of Aviano used mixed loads too. One side there was a Harm loaded and the other pylon had a rockeye leaflet dispenser with the wingman having a double GBU-38/54 onto a twin rack. Other loads were observed too, but the timespan I was there they flew like this. The defensive armament of a pair of both Amraam and Sidewinder rockets was carried too with an AN/ALQ-184 on the centerline and Sniperpod under the intake. Greetings!
  14. A quick note, the book in my previous post covers F-14 Ops during Iraqi Freedom
  15. In Osprey's Combat Aircraft 52, there's a picture of the supersonic pencil refueling from a VFA-115 18E Super Hornet, with the config I earlier discribed. The F/A-18E in the picture is 165784, modex '204', which was equiped with an Aero D-704 ARS, according to the picture caption. So being refueled on a TARPS mission, only 1 AIM-9M is visible on the 14D's shoulder point, with the forward 'bombcat' pylons empty. The aft phoenix rail next to the pod is not installed. The bomb adaptors aren't visible either on the forward fuselage Phoenix points, so not sure they're on whe
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