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Everything posted by okthree

  1. Is that from the SEP or OCT flyer. I stopped getting their flyer so I miss out on a lot of the deals. I downloaded the SEP flyer from the webpage and it had the VF-2 Tomcat at 58.50 and the VFA 192 Hornet at 71.91.
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/AMS-Resin-1-48-prototy...id=p3286.c0.m14
  3. Yeah, I agree about the instrument panel looking a little weak. I too am interested if the TD cockpit will work.
  4. It's good to see an update on this kit. Your work is eye watering! The paint job and weapons look great. Is the LAU 117 for the Maverick from the kit?
  5. okthree

    Academy M1A1

    AEF designs makes some good stuff. Check them out at aefdesigns.com. Also I think Legend makes a pretty accurate stowage set for a OIF tank. Make sure you pick up their recent release, not the orginal set that includes an APU. See link below. http://www.www-legend.co.kr/01_afv01.html?...age=&spage=
  6. So would mine, or I should say the majority of the customer base, much to the chagrin of the owner. But what ever keeps him in business.
  7. I hope it's true, but I'll believe it when they start to show up in my LHS.
  8. Harold, I saw the prototype cockpit for sale on ebay w/o seat. Are you abandoning this project? Mark
  9. I missed that. I'll have to look at Squadron again. I did notice the Super Hornet VFA-14 boxing on sale though. Thanks for the heads up. Mark
  10. It's a beauty. Very good job rescribing the panel lines.
  11. At about $40 that's a good deal, but I'd never consider paying the $70 or more that I have seen this boxing of this kit going for from some online retailers. That's a lot of money for just a decal sheet and a special box art. I would have considered paying a little more if I got something extra for it like updated missiles, etc, but when I can get the same thing every day for about $48 I say no thanks for the special box. I sometimes wonder how gullible Hasegawa thinks we are to pony up all the extra money. You all got a good deal on your kits. I wish I had seen it before they were all g
  12. Beside Hasegawa's decals for the most part are junk. The markings that come with a kit don't mean anything to me when my decision comes to purchase as I always plan on using aftermarket decals anyway. I always go for the cheapest price. Isn't there an extra sprue with this release that includes pilots heads with the "new" style helet and AIM -120's to justify the MSRP of87.00? Or is it just like all the other F/A-18C boxings? Mark
  13. Man those look nice. I may have to rethink what markings I'm going to use for my MacAir GB. I have MAW007 and going to do the line jet, but I really like that color jet from -224. Decisions, decisons...
  14. Bummer I missed out on the good price. Some decal company out there recently put out a couple of decal sheets that I need models for. Ah it is just as well. My wife informed me the other day that I exceeded the budget for model stuff for the month of September, and October, and most of November. Just wait untill she see what happended to my 401k over the last five days, she is going to wish I spent it on models instead.
  15. I was just at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC. In the Naval Aviation section of the museum they had a 1/100 scale carrier that some one had built. If I recall correctly it took the builder 12 years to complete. He used plastic, wood, metal and fiberglass to construct it. The E-2 and RA-5 that he had on deck were scratch built as there aren't any kits in that scale of those two aircraft. Everyone at the museum who were looking at were impressed.
  16. I'll be in, although I haven't decided which kit I'll be building for this one. Of the many Tomcats I have in my stash it will be either 1/144 Dragon/Revell F-14B VF 103, 1/72 Hasegawa F-14B (if I can find what box I got it packed in - not sure of the squadron at this time), or 1/48 Revellogram F-14D VF-213 OEF.
  17. Ugly aircraft?!? I guess beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. Then again the A-6 and A-10 are two of my favorite aircraft. I must have a thing for ugly airplanes. Beautiful job on the Jaguar. Can't wait to see this one finished. Mark
  18. Bummer about all your models being wiped out. I would have probably cursed out the guy too for not being more careful. I guess it was fortunate that he was not hurt. I hope there's a way for you to fix the damage.
  19. And a very sharp knife.... I saw the original post, I was hoping they were rereleasing the A model. But alas it is not so. I'm sure eventually it will happen.
  20. I would give you mine but I threw them away the were so lousy. Do you self a favor and pick up a set of Bra.Z resin RR RB211-535 engines. They are so much better than the minicraft engines.
  21. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sits in church and thinks about working on models... Cockpit is looking good sofar. After the nice job you did on your Hornet, I be anxious to see how this turns out. Mark
  22. Thanks! I first airbrushed the nose of the bombs yellow, then I used some tape that I found in the drafting dept. at an AC Moore (sp?) Craft Store. The tape is 1/8" (or three inches in 1/48th scale) wide and flexible so it conforms to the contours of the bomb. On the GBU 16 I cut a section of tape in half to make it appear the seeked head was covering the stripe. It was a little time consuming. Next time I'm using Flyingleatherneck's Ordnance decals. edit: tape is 1/16" wide, not 1/8"
  23. Argh!! I forgot to add one more me maties! I tried experimenting with the distance that I held the spray can from what I was spraying. There tends to be a more defined texture the farther the can is from the object that is being painted.
  24. Paul, The Air Force uses bombs without the ablative coating. That is added only to USN and USMC bombs to help prevent a cook off in the event of a ship board fire. I recently stumbled on a way to simulate this coating on bombs. While shopping at Home Depot for a can of spray paint for a project I was working on at home, I noticed Rust-oleum brand spray paint made a textured paint. I bought a can thinking it would be a good way to simualte concrete for a display base but after testing it on a piece of scap plexi-glass it thought it would look good as the ablative coating for bombs. It is
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