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About twhite80

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  • Birthday 11/10/1980

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    Lincoln, Nebraska
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving, Photography, and Modeling of course

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  1. I just made soft covers for my Hornet build. I used Kleenex. What I did was pulled apart the Kleenex tissues and then got a paintbrush and some water. I laid each thin tissue over the intake then painted water over it. I just layered it until it had the right look. I then took a little bit of white glue and diluted it and gently painted it over the tissues. I let it dry over night. Then I very gently pulled it off the model kit and trimmed it up to look the par then I put it back on. When I was satisfied with the look I painted another layer of white glue over it and it hardened up nicely. I w
  2. Thanks for all of the comments! I took it to the local hobby shop model contest and took home first! The Hellcat got 'best paint'
  3. Thanks for the comments everyone! I am not all the way done, I still have to install the gunsight.... Should have done that earlier. But I am ready to call it for the most part. I can never leave well enough alone so as I was wrapping up I decided that the decals around the gas caps on the wings did not go down well and there were some wrinkles. So I sanded them down then I ended up taking a lot of paint off. I also noticed that the glue melted part of the wing and I needed to fill that. I also noticed that the flat coat I used on those surfaces left a white sort of residue. All i
  4. The paint scheme on this aircraft seems to be a bit vague. I attempted to do some more research on the internet only to discover that there are apparently violent controversies surrounding the scheme of this particular aircraft. People can get pretty bent out of shape over the colors, stripes, and finish. I realize that there are a few things that I have done that could be more accurate. I didn't have a single photo of the right side of the aircraft so the camo was guess work. I found one later and realized my camo was wrong. Also I did not pain the panels over the guns yellow. The photos I sa
  5. I am getting closer. I got out my new airbrush to do some fine detail work. It works great! Very nice control. But then I looked at some actual photos of the aircraft and I noticed that some of the lines looked pretty hard in places. Almost like the camo was masked off. So I did a little of that too... I have the invasion stripes and camo all done. I used some Vallejo Yellow but that just looked too pale. So I went back over it with some Citadel Yellow I had in my drawer. That stuff actually went through he airbrush quite well! And finally I used some Steel
  6. Cool! I really like this scheme. I want to do a Tamiya 1/32 like this one. Then there will be a BIG brother!
  7. One handed is proficient. Its all coming back to me. I can at least do it in the dark these days!
  8. Thanks Joel! Yep. Everyone is doing great if not a little tired. I am going to use the Eagle Decals set. I agree. The Tamiya markings are just way too thick. I can never get them to lay down well, even with a ton of Solvaset! I am glad that these Vallejo paints are working well. I like Acrylic best. They are a little pricey and I have lots of Alclad laying around too, but I wanted the easiest process possible since I anticipate having to put the airbrush down to chase a kid or change a diaper ;)
  9. Dude! This is some awesome work! Great subject, and great resin work.
  10. I had to take a break from my polystyrene therapy sessions after my wife broke her leg when she was 35 weeks pregnant. It was a bad break and so I had to put everything up and focus on the family. But the baby is here, she is walking on her own again and I have carved out some time for a new project! Since I have a 4 year old and a one month old I thought I would keep it small and simple. So I am going with a simple yet good Tamiya kit. I am using a Yahu P-51 instrument panel and all I can say is wow! Its really good! I am also trying out the
  11. Thanks! I used slightly different techniques between the two but in general what I did was take a darker color and sketch the outside of the exhausts with my airbrush then I lightened the color one or two times and worked inward so the lightest color was in the middle. I tried to be a little uneven and I also tried to respect the panel lines. With the N I also used some 'streaking grime' from mig to simulate those oily leaks that I saw on a lot of the pictures. The key there is to make a streak with a sine brush. Let it dry then take a broad brush and get a little bit of thinner on it and gent
  12. Do you have any guides or tutorials?
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