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Academy/MRC OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

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Hi, thought you guys might like to comment on my first ever helicopter model. Not quite finished but nearly!

I'm not new to modelling, but never tackled helicopters before. I found the work quite fiddly, but ended up very pleased with the final result.

Hope you like it! If you can help me make the next one better, any comments, or corrections would be very welcome.





Before you go nuts on me about the base, this helicopter was actually stationed on board a USN frigate in 1989!

My next helo project will be an Revellogram AH-1G with Fireball's Strela conversion and decals, plus Werner's Wings canopy and Cobra Company cockpit. Hopefully i'll be able to post the In-Prog stuff here.


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Before you go nuts on me about the base, this helicopter was actually stationed on board a USN frigate in 1989!

Yup, Operation Prime Chance, the Tanker War in the Persian Gulf. Looks good. Good job on your first helo.

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It's fantastic. You've done a great job weathering the decals and making them look like they've always been painted on that helo, something I always fail at.

Well done!

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It's fantastic. You've done a great job weathering the decals and making them look like they've always been painted on that helo, something I always fail at.

Thank you very much. i just sprayed over them with a 60% wash using the original enamel paint. When dry, i brushed pastel chalk over them to fade them out a bit. It didn't help that the kit ones silvered a bit!

Only thing I woulda done differently is the blades.

I fly helicopters daily, and yes the blades bend, but go easy on it, a little goes a long way.

Those blades might be a little too droopy, but the real thing isn't too different.

Great feedback, thanks I did wonder if i'd overdone it. Are these composite blades or the usual metal variety?

Great pics too Ray :whistle:

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Those blades might be a little too droopy, but the real thing isn't too different. Here's a couple for comparison:


Another thing I finally figured out wrong with Kit blades is they never have the longitudal twist built into them either. They are always just flat. This is one reason cobra kit blades are so hard to create realistic in a model in my opinion. The droop and the twist effect are almost impossible to get correct.


Edited by Retired GunPilot
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Nice photo, Ray. Two questions though.

1. Were the Prime Chance Kiowas sometimes fitted with the Aerocrafter .50 Cal gun?

2. Is that additional white aerial under the pilot's position just specific to the Prime Chance birds?



(Great build, by the way, Pruz.)

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Eurocopter Cougar, isn't it? Looks like it has the ventral fin at the tail. I don't know who it belongs to-- probably French.

I think Joseph is right. Here's a couple of pics for comparison. Only thing I can see is the rear wheel fairing on the Prime Chance bird seems a bit larger compared to the web shot of the Cougar.


Original high rese


web shot of a Cougar:


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I just read all the posts and took a look at your photos.

Modeling is so subjective...One person sees one thing and others sees something else.

Please tell us what you see in your model that you would have done different or changed. You might be your best critic. That Kiowa turned out very nice. Love to hear what you have to point out.

I am not trying to tell what do to. I just want to put some ideas out to you.

I would have corrected the blades...to me they are too droopy. You may want to trim your decals and apply some future or glossy finish before applying them, they are not quite snug yet. I would have used a different glue on the canopy or trimmed the excess glue. if it was my helo I would have done a wash with raw umber in the panel lines.

It is always difficult to critic someone's project without being to harsh. We have all been there wanting to improve our latest creation. Always use a display base that is bigger than your project. In any case I hope this helps you.


Edited by shark 64
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I just read all the posts and took a look at your photos.

Modeling is so subjective...One person sees one thing and others sees something else.

Please tell us what you see in your model that you would have done different or changed. You might be your best critic.

Well, now i've heard from the helicopter modelling experts, I would do the blades differently. I want to do a Vietnam-era Cobra next, so it looks like there will be some issues with longitudinal flex as well.

As far as the other stuff, well that's why I posted. I want to build something so i buy a kit, look at pictures of the real thing, and try to emulate what I see. This was my first helicopter model, so I may have missed what was obvious to the more studied eye. I like to build as accurate a model as i can, so i threw this one out to those who know, to help point out some areas of helicopter modelling which I can improve on.

The other stuff you mention like decals, panel washes and so on are more basic modelling skills, so I still have a way to go yet! The comments people have made are very supportive and encouraging, and I am very happy with the way it turned out by my own standards - but I am seeking to improve. I certainly didn't want to cause any offense by claiming my model to be more than it is as it stands in such distinguished company!

All feedback is helpful - thank you very much. But I hope my next one is better!

:thumbsup: Al

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Well, now i've heard from the helicopter modelling experts, I would do the blades differently. I want to do a Vietnam-era Cobra next, so it looks like there will be some issues with longitudinal flex as well.

As far as the other stuff, well that's why I posted. I want to build something so i buy a kit, look at pictures of the real thing, and try to emulate what I see. This was my first helicopter model, so I may have missed what was obvious to the more studied eye. I like to build as accurate a model as i can, so i threw this one out to those who know, to help point out some areas of helicopter modelling which I can improve on.

The other stuff you mention like decals, panel washes and so on are more basic modelling skills, so I still have a way to go yet! The comments people have made are very supportive and encouraging, and I am very happy with the way it turned out by my own standards - but I am seeking to improve. I certainly didn't want to cause any offense by claiming my model to be more than it is as it stands in such distinguished company!

All feedback is helpful - thank you very much. But I hope my next one is better!

:) Al


She's a fine bird and you should be very proud. Thanks for posting her. I think we all want the next one to be better than the last so you're not alone there. I too have quite a ways to go to achieve perfection, but that's why I have a stash :rofl:


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As far as the other stuff, well that's why I posted. I want to build something so i buy a kit, look at pictures of the real thing, and try to emulate what I see. This was my first helicopter model, so I may have missed what was obvious to the more studied eye. I like to build as accurate a model as i can, so i threw this one out to those who know, to help point out some areas of helicopter modelling which I can improve on.

The other stuff you mention like decals, panel washes and so on are more basic modelling skills, so I still have a way to go yet! The comments people have made are very supportive and encouraging, and I am very happy with the way it turned out by my own standards - but I am seeking to improve. I certainly didn't want to cause any offense by claiming my model to be more than it is as it stands in such distinguished company!

All feedback is helpful - thank you very much. But I hope my next one is better!

There is no need to apologize. Your model is beautiful and really well done. You did a heck of a job on it. I like it and I flew them so I should know. LOL

When people ask me to judge thier models at meetings, I ask as an IPMS judge or as a modeler? As an IPMS judge I will nitpick. As a modeler as long as you had fun then I'm happy with the results.

Remember the ONLY person you have to please is yourself. If you had fun and enjoyed the building then the model is a winner no matter what anyone says or how it even turned out. Remember modeling is fun! Always. If it isn't then it is work. LOL

Great job and don't be discouraged by the naysayers. I don't put twist in my blades either. Nor do I care to. I build for me. If you like it great, if not no worries. It sits on my shelf and the only one who has to admire or even like it is me (well okay the wife a little bit).

Model for yourself, share with others and enjoy the hobby. Off my soapbox.


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There is no need to apologize. Your model is beautiful and really well done. You did a heck of a job on it. I like it and I flew them so I should know. LOL

When people ask me to judge thier models at meetings, I ask as an IPMS judge or as a modeler? As an IPMS judge I will nitpick. As a modeler as long as you had fun then I'm happy with the results.

Remember the ONLY person you have to please is yourself. If you had fun and enjoyed the building then the model is a winner no matter what anyone says or how it even turned out. Remember modeling is fun! Always. If it isn't then it is work. LOL

Great job and don't be discouraged by the naysayers. I don't put twist in my blades either. Nor do I care to. I build for me. If you like it great, if not no worries. It sits on my shelf and the only one who has to admire or even like it is me (well okay the wife a little bit).

Model for yourself, share with others and enjoy the hobby. Off my soapbox.


What he said. At the end of the day, we all build for just one person. You. If you like the end result, then you achieved what you set out to do. It's good to get feed-back from the expert builders on this forum, but at the end of the day, YOUR model will sit on YOUR shelf.


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