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Unbelieveable .... Cutting Edge on EB

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That's nothin'. Someone paid $190,000 at auction to buy Michael Jackson's crystal-studded glove...and all he can do with it is put it in a display case. At least I could probably derive $350 worth of pleasure putting in the hours to build a B-26!

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There are TWO happy people here: the seller and the buyer. No one forced either one to complete this transaction. Who are we to judge their happiness.

To each his/her own.

One man's "junk" is another man's treasure.

Let em be happy..


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I got very lucky a couple of months ago on an ebay buy. I purchased the 1/32 Cutting Edge Bf-109 "Type 110" cowl conversion, the Bf-109G-6 cockpit, late Bf-109 tailwheel and a set of the poseable resin Luftwaffe seatbelts. I also got a bags sealed 1/32 Bf-109G-14 and a Cutting Edge decal sheet for the kit. All of this for $100 plus postage.

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Just saw a balls 8 set go for $60

About a year ago I sold that, and two other CE B-52 sheets for around $100 each.

In my first ebay craziness experience, about 10 years ago I sold the clear fuselage

half part from the original Monogram Visible B-17 for $75.

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There are TWO happy people here: the seller and the buyer. No one forced either one to complete this transaction. Who are we to judge their happiness.

To each his/her own.

One man's "junk" is another man's treasure.

Let em be happy..


I call it "ebay capitalism" If a guy is willing to pay $100 for a $15 decal sheet then it must be worth $100 to him...and I see nothing wrong with it. Like you say, to each their own. When I first got involved with buying on ebay, I overbid on a large number of items. Nowadays, if it's a currently available Item, I check to see what the usual sources sell it for, and taking shipping charges into consideration, set my bidding limit. Now I do lose on a lot of auctions, but only to guys who are willing to pay more than Sprue Brothers/Squadron/Great Models/MidTenn Hobbies would charge.

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For that price, he could've gotten some really nice custom decals made!

Good point. For all the clamoring we do for decals, I sometimes wonder why two or three guys don't join forces and have a short run of custom decals made.


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Since I started this ... I suppose I should chime in! It was worth $350 for whoever bought it. I found it interesting that someone would spend that much money instead of scratch-building the conversion himself. I maxed out at $50 for the kit - while it would be nice to get one, I'd scratch it before spending that much!

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Don't even want to think what their PB4Y-2 Privateer conversion would fetch on E-Bay these days. I hear one sold some time ago for $600.

I've seen them go well over 1K....


-Doug :whistle:

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A 1/48 B-26K conversion set from CE went for $350 on Ebay .. sheesh.

Makes me want to sell my set......

I did unload the 1/48 CE B-1B nozzles for a low price of $63 two weeks ago. Hopefuly the rumor about Aires releasing a set is true or I am SOL.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just saw a balls 8 set go for $60

Wish I had got the 1/32 X-1 set, I ordered and wound up with the 1/48 BF-109 Swiss decals instead.

Anyone wanna swap???


I have the 1/72 Cutting Edge Balls 8 set both early and late. They're scanned in full size. I can send them in an email to you and you could then in theory print them on decal paper from your own printer. By the way, I just happen to have the 1/96th Saturn V/Apollo spacecraft detail decal set from Real Space Models also scanned into the computer. Interested?


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I was watching a CE wing fold set for the /148 Skyraider and it sold for $102. I put my max bid in for $65 but it was soon surpassed.

That being said I found a CE exterior detail set and exhaust nozzle for the Eduard (ex-KoPro) Su-22 and it had a "buy it now" option for $139. Which isn't too bad considering the rarity of the set and that the set itself cost more than the kit when it was in production. There's a separate auction going right now for the same exterior detail set that's already up to $112

I was able to use my ebay bucks I had accumulated so I paid less than a $100 on the "buy it now" set so for me it was a good deal. As it's been said the value is in the eyes of the buyer.


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This is my doubt..

When somebody else comes with a new set say.. a new wingfold set for the skyraider, and it's alore more friendly and has a bigger production range.

What will happen to the prize of the old one?

I've seen this many times, in the mexican forums i frenquent, this crazy guy is selling 6 F-5's for 45 dollars each, and tagging them as collectibles, however the AFV one is out and it's practically the same prize..

The hell is wrong with some people.

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This is my doubt..

When somebody else comes with a new set say.. a new wingfold set for the skyraider, and it's alore more friendly and has a bigger production range.

What will happen to the prize of the old one?

I've seen this many times, in the mexican forums i frenquent, this crazy guy is selling 6 F-5's for 45 dollars each, and tagging them as collectibles, however the AFV one is out and it's practically the same prize..

The hell is wrong with some people.

Those that don't know anything will pay the big bucks on ebay. A smart consumer will shop around and know what the item is worth.

Once someone releases new stuff that replicates or improves the the CE stuff then you'll see the value of the CE stuff fall (let's hope that happens). That's the chance you take if you buy something like CE as an "investment" (which some people did/do). That's a bad business plan. People get all goggle eyed over seeing CE stuff go for big $$$ and think somehow they can cash-in on the hope that their rare, OOP CE stuff is somehow valuable. It's value is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it.

If you buy it for yourself to use in a kit then that's one thing and to you the price paid seems worth it. However, if you buy the stuff hoping to make big money one day because it's CE and rare and OOP then you're better off putting that same money in the stock market or Vegas because you'll definitely get a better rate of return for less risk.

I wish someone would produce Meteor's old product line because they had quite a few things I would use to actually build a model with.

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Hey Paul!

I have the decal sheet for Balls 8, and I picked up the Apollo set from Czech. as well. There is no way I would build the Apollo Stack without those. I am saving my sheckles for the correction set as well.

Thank you for offering though

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