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Roden 1/144 RC-135V RIVET JOINT Build and Improvement

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Okay, I am now starting my Roden 1/144 #349 RC-135V/W RIVET JOINT build thread. I thought that the "In Progress Pics" sub-forum would be a better place for this thread.  To see my initial impressions, see my thread in the Jet Modeling sub-forum.


The first thing to fix is to remove the ugly hump for the horizontal stabilizer mounting area.  I made mention of this in my initial impressions.  It appears to be bigger in those pictures than it really is upon closer inspection.  I thought to carefully cut the flat area of the mound away, then grind down the remaining sides, widen the hole to accept the flat area, place a backing plate inside the fuselage and then fit the flat area into the hole, putty, sand and rescribe to taste.  After trimming some .04 platicard to act as a backing plate. I am now reconsidering. I may just drill a hole to accept the horiz stab and grind away the existing plastic to get down to the .04 plasticard backing.  



1. First thing I noticed on removing the fuselage sides from the sprues was a little bit of flash on the inside of the cockpit combing. It proved rather stubborn to just flapping back and forth to remove, so I carefully trimmed it with an X-acto knife, then sanded the edges flush.



2. The other thing I noticed is that the stbd tail trailing edge is a little short.  I am not sure if this is intentional, but it would then leave a very sharp trailing edge for the top of the vertical stabilizer, so maybe it is okay.  



3. The inside edges of the tail halves. The horizontal stab mounting area is not that deep and I think I can just fill the area with .04 plasticard.



4. The Roden horiz stab mounting area (bottom) from the outside, in comparison with the similar area from the Minicraft EC-135C kit (top).



5. Bad photo. I was holding the fuselage with my right hand, holding my cell phone camera with my left hand, trying to use my nose to push the shutter button. LOL!  The mound is not so tall as previously thought. Also, it seems to be angled so as to provide dihedral to the stabs.  I will make sure to include a slight angle of the finished mounting area for the dihedral.



6.  I always overcut my plasticard, then trim and sand to shape with a rough/medium sanding stick.



7. .04 plasticard backing plates trimmed and super-glued in place.


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A few more photos. But I have to take a quick halt. I think I just broke my foot! 




I took the fuselage halves out to my workshop in the garage and used a 1/16" drill bit in my drill press to drill the stabilizer hole through the white plasticard so that the horiz stab will be in the correct position. Then I broke my foot.  Wife informs me that the recommended treatment = RICE: Rest, Ibuprofin or Ice, Compress, Elevate.  (I thought of: Rest, Imbibe adult beverage, Chill by poolside, & Eat!)


Next up, (if I can find the photo I just took), is the clear part put in place on the cockpit.  The area forward of the windscreen seems to be a little flat. 


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  • Dutch changed the title to Roden 1/144 RC-135V RIVET JOINT Build and Improvement

Okay, I switched to my cell phone to post the nose & cockpit profile photos.  I must say, I was skeptical at first, but I do like the clear cockpit profile when I looked at it from the side. The area ahead of the windscreen looks a little too flat, but once assembled, it may be alright also. Again, my apologies for the lack of photo quality or focus, as I was juggling the fuselage in one hand, the cell phone in the other and trying to get it focused on the cockpit, then snap the shutter before it focused elsewhere.  🤪



1. First photo looks good. Even in focus.



2. Head on view. Slightly out of focus, but still looks good. Hmm, must have bruised my hand when I fell down at the time I broke my foot.




3. Again, out of focus, but the area ahead of the windscreen looks flat. 




4. Okay, I am a better model builder than photographer, really. I  may retake these photos. 

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On 7/2/2022 at 5:15 AM, Hajo L. said:

You broke your foot? How did you manage to do that?


HAJO, What can I say? I am a fool! I was touched by an angle, (in this case the partially lowered garage door which I failed to notice), and fell down, not straight down, but twisted as I fell. However, my foot stayed where it was. I heard a small pop or snap, but thought it was my knee. Nevermind that my head was bleeding from the "touch point," or that I bit my tongue, or bruised my hand from trying to break my fall. It is probably better that I followed my wife's RICE treatment regimen and not my own version. 

This morning, my knee is OK, my head has a fresh scab, my hand hurts, but is useable. Only my foot is painful and can bear only a little weight, but not full pressure nor twisting, etc... motions. So I count myself blessed for this reminder of my mortality and the promise of a better life with my Savior in the not too distant future.  🙏 

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29 minutes ago, Dutch said:

No work today. My knee feels normal; my foot still hurts, but not unbearable; but my hand is downright throbbing.  Switched the ice pack to my hand.  

Have you been to doctor to have your foot and hand x-rayed?

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Thanks Brother Don. What are they going to tell me? Something I don't already know?

I'm sorry.  No offense,  I appreciate the concern, but I regret making such a fuss about it. I am on the mend under the expert care of the Dutchess.

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Can't wait for you to get back at the bench Dutchmaster.   I'm following along with your build and using your recommendations for fixing the horizontal stabilizer attachment at the rear of the fuselage.   I can't get past the kit radome so I've already hacked it off and plan to use one of my resin hog noses that I cast up for my Minicraft conversions.   Can't wait to see what you plan to do with the engines.  

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Just jumping on no, nice start Dutch. Yes the horizontal stab mount area certain looks too bulky. Progressing nicely.


Oh, and I recommend BEERS for the foot/hand /head  :cheers: :beer4: 😄

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On 7/2/2022 at 5:06 PM, Dutch said:

Thanks Brother Don. What are they going to tell me? Something I don't already know?

I'm sorry.  No offense,  I appreciate the concern, but I regret making such a fuss about it. I am on the mend under the expert care of the Dutchess.

They can give you a foot boot to keep the bones in-place while you heal


Hope you have a quick recovery.

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On 7/2/2022 at 1:25 AM, Dutch said:

But I have to take a quick halt. I think I just broke my foot! 

Hi, Dutch,

I'm really sorry to read this. I sympathize with you since on February the 13th I broke the three malleoli of the left foot as I slipped on ice in the mountains. I was brought to the local hospital with an EC-145 (10minutes flight). Had surgery and still have a titanium plate inside (the only thing I have of this precious metal). Was very tedious but I was able to keep on working at home.

My best wishes.

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Strangley enough, I have a boot!  I've done this before, but to the other foot. Thankfully, the boot is ambidextrous (or is it ambipedistrous?). Pain is way down to just a small, dull ache.  Hand is better too.  I will watch the foot over the next weeks and if it gets worse, I will go see a doctor.   

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