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1/72nd Zvezda AC-130J "GHOSTRIDER" 4th SOS

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36 minutes ago, uncarina said:

Steve, that’s great news. I’m in the same situation with my original flattened windshield. Did you contact Zvezda through their Moscow email or the Austrian distributor’s?


Thanks,  Tom


I believe it was thru their Austria office.

I used zvezda.support@hobby-pro.com to contact them. They'll ask you to send them photos of the defective parts.

37 minutes ago, uncarina said:

Steve, that’s great news. I’m in the same situation with my original flattened windshield. Did you contact Zvezda through their Moscow email or the Austrian distributor’s?


Thanks,  Tom


34 minutes ago, HERC164 said:

Outstanding work on the antenna details! She's really is looking like the Ghostrider now! Can't wait to see more. Keep up the outstanding work!


Thanks man.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Back at the bench today working on the gunship. The "antenna farm" on the aircraft's belly is finally finished and I added the two antennas to the underside of the wings as well.






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24 minutes ago, philippe.chauvin said:

Hello very good job !

I have a same project but on 1/48.


Your post will be a model for my realize…

I have just one question:

Can you give the longer of the gun in front left landing gear ?


thanks for your help 




Thanks Philippe.

I'm sorry, I don't really understand what your asking me.


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1 hour ago, A-10 LOADER said:


Thanks Philippe.

I'm sorry, I don't really understand what your asking me.


Believe he's asking if you're replacing the bofors or M61 with the bushmaster 30mm although I'm sure that gun goes where the jump door is on the port side.

Edited by utley
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16 hours ago, A-10 LOADER said:

The "antenna farm" on the aircraft's belly is finally finished and I added the two antennas to the underside of the wings as well.


Antenna farm is the right expression. Both top and bottom side.
I just found out your WIP, read it all with great interest? You're on your way to yet another great model Steve.

I'll follow the rest of your build. Did you get a solution for the prop yet? 

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4 hours ago, philippe.chauvin said:

Sorry for my bad English … can you give me the dimensions at 1/72 of the front gun of your model 






If ZVEZDA got it correct, the 30mm barrel measures @ 6 feet long.


2 hours ago, Red Dog said:


Antenna farm is the right expression. Both top and bottom side.
I just found out your WIP, read it all with great interest? You're on your way to yet another great model Steve.

I'll follow the rest of your build. Did you get a solution for the prop yet? 

Thanks Red Dog.

No solution for the props yet. I'm going to leave them until the end of the build, as well as my EP-3 and, figure out something at that point.


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Rgr, Can you please let me know what you need again? 
I have a friend who built 3 of these Zvezda C-130 and maybe he's got parts left. No idea really until I ask him, so no promises. But I sure can ask

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1 hour ago, Red Dog said:

Rgr, Can you please let me know what you need again? 
I have a friend who built 3 of these Zvezda C-130 and maybe he's got parts left. No idea really until I ask him, so no promises. But I sure can ask


I'm good Red Dog. Someone from the forums here generously hooked me up with the parts I needed, they saved my build and I can't thank them enough.


Edited by A-10 LOADER
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This is a great looking build! Excellent job on all those small details. I'm currently working on the "H" model from Zvezda and have seen a few ideas I need to do for mine. I've not yet closed up the fuselage or completed the cockpit area. I used the PE set from some Russian company (dont remember the name - not Quinta Studios). I'm also planning on building mine with the main cargo door open and in-flight. I'm currently working to replicate the sound-proofing interior for the cargo area. I havent created a thread for it here since I dont use a picture hosting service for photos.

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On 11/1/2023 at 5:18 PM, philippe.chauvin said:

Thanks for your answer … 


6 feet = 1,83 m = 3,41 cm to 1/48 !


thank you 



Your welcome Philippe.

On 11/2/2023 at 2:06 PM, jelliott523 said:

This is a great looking build! Excellent job on all those small details. I'm currently working on the "H" model from Zvezda and have seen a few ideas I need to do for mine. I've not yet closed up the fuselage or completed the cockpit area. I used the PE set from some Russian company (dont remember the name - not Quinta Studios). I'm also planning on building mine with the main cargo door open and in-flight. I'm currently working to replicate the sound-proofing interior for the cargo area. I havent created a thread for it here since I dont use a picture hosting service for photos.

Thanks very much. Too bad about your WIP, it would be nice to see.


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Update on the Gunship, closing up the cockpit.

After much trial and error, I finally got the HUD's built, the overhead console installed to the inside of the windshield and, the windshield installed. The HUD's had to be there, they are very noticeable in flight. The overhead console was installed because I figured since I had it I might as well use it. I also painted up a burial flag and attached it to the dash. Not my best work but, better than nothing and the details add a little interest to the build. I'm just glad this part is over so I can move forward now.















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Eduard released some AC-130J specific sets, including an interior that includes the HUDs and gunsight.




Also did an interior set that included the ammo feed for the Bushmaster cannon, but unfortunately still nothing for the operator’s consoles between the guns.




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14 minutes ago, Dave Williams said:

Eduard released some AC-130J specific sets, including an interior that includes the HUDs and gunsight.




Also did an interior set that included the ammo feed for the Bushmaster cannon, but unfortunately still nothing for the operator’s consoles between the guns.




Of course they did.

That's some really small photo-etch to be bending, not sure I could pull that off.

I wish someone would do the two ball turrets with the lenses of the turrets exposed for "in flight" mode.


Edited by A-10 LOADER
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A little more progress to on the AC-J. The engine nacelles and fuel tanks got a coat of primer. I was hoping to get the gray sprayed on these today as well but, the nacelles will require a little more work before paint can be applied.




The GBU-39's got their base color applied and I started some of the brush work on them. These are really tough for me to do because of their size. Hopefully they won't look too bad when their finished.




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3 hours ago, aircommando130 said:

Looks like the MC's here...they have a fuel tank probe issue.

So they are being cycled through to drop the externals and

do some probe/harness work and then hang them back on the wing.

Looking good so far!



Just the MC's?


Love the build so far.  Especially the HUD's as I will eventually have to make some for my J model.

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47 minutes ago, Da SWO said:

Just the MC's?


Love the build so far.  Especially the HUD's as I will eventually have to make some for my J model.


The HC's I think have already been upgraded. We only have 3 of them here.

The HUD if the sun shines into it it glows green like a set of eyes!

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2 hours ago, aircommando130 said:


The HC's I think have already been upgraded. We only have 3 of them here.

The HUD if the sun shines into it it glows green like a set of eyes!

I was curious if the WC's had the same issue.

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Thanks guys for the compliments.

I sprayed the gray, FS 36293, on the back half of the engine nacelles and, the bottom halves of the fuel tanks.






The main wing got some masking to try and keep the glue areas as clean as possible. My goal is to paint the engine nacelles separate from the wing and the wings separate from the fuselage to make painting easier. Hopefully I'm not shooting myself in the foot doing things this way, I guess we'll see. I also gave the wingtip lights and the horizontal stab lights a coat of Mr. Masking SOL R. My plan is to get these in primer tomorrow.







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