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Luckymodel order delays...

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Hi Everyone. Does anyone have issues with orders on Luckymodel website lately? I placed an order on June 9 for 3 in-stock items

and to this day, it is still in processing mode. I opened a request ticket for status and was told it would go out asap but nothing happens.

Thank you.

Thanh Huynh

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I have two unusual experiences about the shop. The first time I was sure that wanted item was in stock, more than one unit, at least until very last seconds before clicking Place Order button.


After several weeks of processing, instead of the status indicating the item was really allocated for me, the status just stuck at some point like they still finding the item (very similar to pre-order or backorder). The customer service said the item possibly ordered by other customer about the same time of mine (!).


The second time is a bit different as I ordered the last one in stock. The rest story is almost the same. It seems that in-stock status does not necessarily precisely reflect the actual inventory for some item. 


One lesson learned about this very online store is... be cautious ordering an item with only one or few unit in stock... 


Please don't get me wrong. In my opinion they are still one of very good online shops around. Just a few glitches that could happen to any other shops.

Edited by Teeradej
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Its been two weeks, I wouldn't worry about it. It takes a while, I usually count on a few months to get an order (During covid one order took a few years, but that's ok). It's worth to buy from there.

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I have not enjoyed shopping there over the past couple years. I used to love them.

Most recently, they were among the very first to advertise the Tamiya F-35B as “in-stock”. It listed “6+ pieces” in-stock when I placed the order. It went 3 weeks or so without actually shipping the order. Over this time, the kit made it to North America and I received copies from Spruebrothers and Canada.


I sent an inquiry to LuckyModel and was informed they were waiting for stock. I then asked to cancel the order, feeling it was awful deceiving to rush to be one of the first to list it as “in stock”, but leave me waiting 3+ weeks to ship saying they were waiting for stock. They ignored my message and then magically shipped the kit. 

I’ve had a couple other similar experiences with them and now refuse to order anything from them. I can get stuff just as cheap elsewhere, and usually quicker (even when ordering from Asia to USA) still. It wasn’t always this way. 

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Thank you all for the replies. I followed up with them on my request ticket and now a person named David said 2 items on my order

are being transferred to GZ warehouse. Not sure about their logistics but my order said like that for 2 weeks now. Not sure if they

are waiting shipments from vendors/manufacturers.


Learned my lesson this time around. I will stick with Ebay vendors as they can ship within 3 days from ordering and i get deliveries

to California from China between 10 to 15 days.


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Hi. I don't know what GZ means. When I google "GZ in China" then the result is Guangzhou as Bob mentioned above.


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GZ refers to Luckymodel's Warehouse in China. Often when I order items they are stored in China, but you generally don't know until you order.. This means the item needs to travel from China to Hong Kong to be shipped. Yes this can cause delays of up to a few weeks but the item is "in stock" with Luckymodel and you will receive it, it just needs to move from China to Hong Kong before it's shipped to you. I assume it's cheaper to warehouse stock in China than it is in Hong Kong.


One other thing to note, sometimes items can sit at the post office in Hong Kong waiting to be transported for up to a month. I am currently waiting on a Meng Super Hornet and it sat at the post office for 3 weeks before leaving Hong Kong.


On the flip side, I've had orders ship from luckymodel only hours after I have ordered them.


Personally I am a huge luckymodel fan and have been ordering from them for around 20 years now. Sure some items can take a while to arrive (I use sea shipping because it's cheaper) but they have a great range and their shipping is far and away cheaper than ordering from the US or Europe. For example I would like to order the Kitty Hawk Voodoo from Squadron, but the postage will be $61 USD, that is extortion. Luckymodel's shipping would be $18.

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I don't tend to order frequently from Luckymodel, but never had any issues with receiving what I've ordered - sometimes it takes longer and sometimes it's quicker than expected. Shipping times are less important to me because I always have other projects I'm working on.

I currently have a couple of kits on order from Luckymodel - the 'new' (re-released Skunkmodel) R11 fuel tanker. They will arrive when they arrive.

Edited by John Tapsell
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3 hours ago, John Tapsell said:

I don't tend to order frequently from Luckymodel, but never had any issues with receiving what I've ordered - sometimes it takes longer and sometimes it's quicker than expected. Shipping times are less important to me because I always have other projects I'm working on.

I currently have a couple of kits on order from Luckymodel - the 'new' (re-released Skunkmodel) R11 fuel tanker. They will arrive when they arrive.

Same here, it may take a while but I don't really care. Their prices and frequent sales/coupons are hard to beat when you're not in a hurry.

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Posted (edited)

Well, my order turned up today - ordered 7th June and arrived 3rd July. That's within the sort of window I'd expect whenever I order from overseas


A pair of these have now been added to my stash - I plan to start one of them after I've finished the two projects currently on my bench.






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Posted (edited)

Hi Brian,


I chose the Lucky Air (14-21 days) to USA destinations. Just for clarification here, I am not complaining about the shipping time here.

What i am saying is i placed an order on June 9 for 3 available, in stock items. To this date, one of them has a shipped status, 2 other

items are still in full reserved status in their warehouse, or whatever that means. They shipped items above took over 2 weeks to get to

Hongkong from their GZ warehouse. Thank you.


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16 hours ago, fulcrum1 said:

What method of shipping did you use? 

I used the Lucky Air (14-21 days) option (to the UK) - it took a few days longer but I'm not complaining. My order also included a period of shipping from China to HK and was for items defined as 'in stock'.

Allied to that I was able to purchase a kit I thought I'd missed out on and that would not be re-released. so I'm a very happy bunny. All I have to do now is find the time to build one or both of them 🙂 

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I'm still waiting on my order to ship. Just 4 ejectionseats I ordered over a month ago. All said they are instock.



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My thinking is that they don't have them instock physically. Luckymodel advertises these 3D printing products stating in stock but in reality they will place the order(s) with the manufacturers upon receiving our orders which then delays our orders even further. The item that holding up my order was the 3D printing gun barrel for the GWH A-10C for 2 weeks. Again this is only my thinking. Only Luckymodel knows why it takes so long to ship from their warehouse to their HongKong shop.

Thanh Huynh



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  • 4 weeks later...

I order quite allot from them and my last 2 orders were very slow, also got cauth by in stock but in a different warehouse that cause a huge delay/ had to remove some items from my order. 

they seam to be having a lot of issues with the status stuff, i received an order that is still marker as fully reserved, their website/sistem is showing its age. But they always deliver, just need patience and with the prices they have i dont mind the waiting. Got a couple of hard to find and expensive 1/32 kits for dirt cheap Su-27UB ,Academy Sufa, 1/32 A-7E for under 80$ shipped is hard to beat! 

They are normally really fast on replies if you open a ticket with them 

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The sites stock status reporting recently changed for me. For the longest time the site has shown the exact number of the product in stock, however as of 3 weeks ago the stock status uses terms like "good quantity","low stock" instead of exact numbers.


Anyone else noticed this change?

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Thank you for all the replies and I did notice the changes as well. Also, their 3D printing products have a new status of "shipping in 7 days".

This confirms my thinking that they don't stock these items and will order from factory once received our orders. 


Update on my order. I did receive my order and it took 2 months instead of their advertising 14-21 days to the US.

Thank you.

Thanh Huynh

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