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About Camus272

  • Rank
    Aggressor Addict

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  • Location
    St Cloud, MN
  • Interests

    Modern Military Aircraft, mostly US, primarily aggressors. Additionally airshow photography.

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  1. Model Master went out of production in April 2020 (although colors were being cut since at least 2017). I bought what I could in 2020 and my stock is probably at least as big as what I've used in the last 40 years.
  2. Just to clarify: Model Master was my favorite, but in it's demise I've gone to lacquers - primarily MRP, but also AK, and the I'm not disappointed at all, as the performance all around is much better. There are downsides however, color accuracy is not on the level of MM and there's no way to know until you get a color, and availability is a pain. For basic colors I've increased use of Tamiya.
  3. Its been two weeks, I wouldn't worry about it. It takes a while, I usually count on a few months to get an order (During covid one order took a few years, but that's ok). It's worth to buy from there.
  4. I would think it would be easier to get another sheet from that kit (test it, and if necessary, put a coating over it before using). You could make a post in the Spares Box forum. I have most Hasegawa boxings (and I don't need any of the decals), but I think that's one of the few I don't have.
  5. I will be facing this soon (assuming I actually finish all the projects I'm working on). I plan on rotating the display, boxing up the older items. A box can hold quite a few 1/48 or smaller kits, and in a house that can even be stuck in the attic, although in an apartment space might be a bigger problem. I'll probably start hanging more as well, freeing up the shelf.
  6. I have had problems with their F-16 canopies. I hate them. I have had 2 come cracked in the box. I unmasked one on their F-16XL and cracked during painting, so I got a replacement from them. That one is deformed and doesn't fit right in the closed position. I'm going to look at adapting other brands to their kits..
  7. The only other scheme I've seen so far is the "Felon" solid gray (Have Glass?) scheme. Twobobs has a sheet with these two at the printers.
  8. So far there have had these airframes delivered to them: 85-1472 85-1474 85-1493 85-1501 86-0219 86-0222 86-0229
  9. 37875 is less "white" than 37925, so there is some (almost imperceptible) darkening to it. I've also noticed that Tamiya white is lighter (brighter?, whiter?) than 36875.
  10. Does anyone else here find it annoying that Scalehobbyist and Spruebrothers carry different lines? I've found AK and MRP as my replacements for Modelmaster, but each one has exclusive retailers, so to stock I have to order from both, and with shipping rates being so high, I end up ordering more than I prefer. I'm starting to miss the days when I could run to my local retailer and pick up some FS colors easily.
  11. If you're airbrushing, can you mix flat and gloss? Or, are you specifically looking for spray cans?
  12. Rustoleum never acquired Testors. Both are owned by RPM, who acquired Rustoleum in 1994, which didn't have any effect on Testors. But, it is clear that RPM is not interested in the hobby business, they have moved to "crafts" - lots of bright florescent and glitter colors.
  13. Never had a problem, and every kit I've obtained in 20 years has been through the mail. I suppose it's possible that a box could get creased on the corners, but I've never cared about the boxes.
  14. Exactly. I've watched an F-16 change from a warm metallic bronze to a deep dark gray in a few minutes, as the clouds pass over.
  15. It's going. Post your pics in the In-progress forum.
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