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DACO Products

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About DACO Products

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  1. The link to the check-out page is located in the left upper frame. If you do not have/see the frames (on the left and at the top), and only the page of the item itself, then please start from the main website www.dacoproducts.com and not from specific pages within the website... Hope this has solved your problem Danny Coremans DACO Products www.dacoproducts.com
  2. From yesterdays' Back Friday until upcoming Cyber Monday, DACO Products is having a huge sale on almost all products, with discounts up to 30% off! Order your end-of-the-year treats this weekend at www.dacoproducts.com That's all folks! Danny
  3. I do have to print decals one of the coming months, and probably this decal will be reprinted too
  4. I may have some of these left somewhere, but I'm already sold out of Belgian AF F-16A decals for quite some time... Danny
  5. Hello all ARCers 30 years ago, on 7 September 1989 to be exactly, DACO Products was officially registered as a company, after already being active for several years in designing decals as a hobby... 30 years now, wow - time flies ! For this 30-year anniversary, DACO Products is going crazy: a full discount (so no voucher system this time :-) ) is given on all available DACO books, kits, decals and other products for 3 weeks! During the first week (from 7 to 15 September) a discount of 30% (YES 30 percent !!!) is given on all available products, the second we
  6. Hi Dave, do you still see a chance to help me with the captions of my F-15 A/B book project? Thanks  Danny

    1. Ol Crew Dog

      Ol Crew Dog

      Sorry been working 12+ hours a day 6 days a week, flying hours cal mining down so should have more time till summer flights start again.

    2. DACO Products

      DACO Products

      Okay, I did not know you were so busy 
      May I ask when you think you'll find the time to help me with the captions?
      I just would like to finish this book 'soon' so it can go to the printer...



  7. Hi Dave


    I would like to ask you something regarding the F-15A.

    Can you contact me at daco @ glo . be (delete the spaces)?




    Danny Coremans

    DACO Products

  8. Not only I "think" this, I'm 100% sure the Hasegawa wings are too short in span (and as such also chord) and I even know what went wrong when Hasegawa designed the wings: they used a top view drawing of the Starfighter with the wings in the (correct) angle without using a 'flat' view of the wings… and as such the wings are 2 mm too short and the underwing tank pylon won't fit on its correct place between the flaps (as the chord is too short)... Danny DACO Products
  9. If you won't be able to find someone's spare Kormoran missile, I do have two 1/4 sets available for 5 euro each containing only the Kormoran missile ... Danny Coremans DACO Products
  10. The DACO Products' Belgian Mirage V decals 'DCD4866' is the reprinted version of DCD4822 (+ DCD4829). It is still available through the DACO website www.dacoproducts.com ... Danny
  11. That I don't mind to pay a fair price if your picture(s) will be used in this book, it doesn't has to be a free-be Danny Coremans DACO Products
  12. Why wouldn't she? At least this allowed me to play around with the radar dish to get a nice variation between the pictures…. And I don't need an active jet to make a true bible: of the EE Lightning - the aircraft uncovered in my previous book - there is not a single one flying around these days, while I sold 600 copies of this book during the first weekend last year at the IPMS UK model show… And last month a lot of people came back to my stand to thank me for making such a good book about their beloved Lightning BTW this upcoming book will uncover only the first two models of th
  13. This lady is a training aircraft exclusive for technicians, not for pilots ...
  14. Meanwhile I've photographed the radar and the speed brake of a B-model at Lakenheath, so these are no longer really needed but you may always go through your pictures to see if any (detailed) picture is worth to replace one of mine…. Danny Coremans - DACO
  15. The lowest price of the set (yep, in volume) is 32 euro, the original price of the set was 49.75 euro… for me this is 'almost 40% off'... Danny
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