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About southwestforests

  • Rank
    Full Blown Model Geek
  • Birthday June 20

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  • Gender
  • Location
    A town on a river
  • Interests
    Model trains, rockets, planes. Kites.

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  1. My health is a bit of a mess any more and completing any build of anything is iffy, which is a discouragement from participating in a group build.
  2. Good thing the photographers got to refuel too, no telling what can happen when attempting photography on an empty stomach. Ya know, it may be safe to declare as a universal fact that a collective nerd out is good for the soul.
  3. My brother and I each had one or two of these in 1970s. Can't remember which ones, only concrete memory is a few moments looking at one plane after spray painting it white, to see if the spray got in to the battle damage detail and if any bare spots existed. As big a deal as having the pilot figure is to me, I can't remember whether these planes had any or not. Played in Google for a moment but I'm on a time limit now to go get some things done.
  4. Thanks y'all! 😄 With my health what it is now I don't do that much model building any more but still want to participate and contribute.
  5. Cool. In the 1970s and 80s one grandfather worked in a plastics plant. Only things I remember about it are feeling heat when close to some of the machines and that the whole place smelled like hot plastic.
  6. They don't seem to currently list a P-8 but there is this kit, 12639 Boeing 737 Colombian Air Force (Released Jun, 2024) https://academyhobby.com/product/detail.html?product_no=561&cate_no=46&display_group=1
  7. Have a video showing processes at Academy's factory, also includes a bit about design and about mold cutting. There is no voice, subtitles carry the description information in English.
  8. Ya know, Granddad Wood might have been there.
  9. I'll second that motion. 😎👍 She does look grand in that blue. While the seatbelts, seat cushions, instrument consoles, are interesting details and look good done skillfully, having the pilots and other aircrew at their stations adds much to the model.
  10. Got email from Atlantis Models and among their upcoming releases is a Willy Ley kit by Monogram back in 1958/59 which has not been produced since back then. A simpler variant of the design was rereleased but not this variant. https://atlantis-models.com/preorder-willy-ley-orbital-rocket-1-193-atlantis/ A couple references about the kit, This kit what has not been rereleased, https://www.scalemates.com/kits/monogram-ps46-orbital-rocket--192474 The version which has been rereleased at one point, https://www.scalemates.com/kits
  11. It all keeps on adding up. Cool stuff.
  12. True, the search function did seem a bit, let's say, arcane. But ... It probably was heavily dependent on what words the creators employed to tag their stuff. And I don't know what else it depended upon, but it certainly wasn't on the same wavelength my mind is. Think searching Shapeways was a chore? Try searching the user-created downloadable content, created in multiple languages, for the Trainz Railroad Simulator program ... Want a factory to add to your railway route? Hahaha! What is the word for factory in 5 languages? How many of those available are
  13. I had nice wish lists there, especially astronaut and pilot figures. Several people were offering very nice ones in 1/144, 1/72, and 1/48, scales. Also had lists for desired sci-fi game ships, and model boat details. And some model railway things. Being low income I couldn't stimulate their economy as much as desired, but, hey, I did buy. Browser bookmark for my Shapeways wishlist page now just gets stuck loading, looks like website has been deactivated.
  14. Hey Y'all; Just now sent a note to Revell Germany, via a function on their website, with comment and question about their 1:48 SBD-5. https://revell.de/en/shop/product/sbd-5-dauntless Will be interesting to see what comes of it. Here's what my note was,
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